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  • JD Conrad

    Hi omegle,

    You recently banned me for jerking off on camera and I was just wondering if you could un-ban me. It's been about 2 weeks and I have learned my lesson. Thank you.

  • Tommy Laine

    I don't understand what he did so bad. He took the broncos to the playoffs his first year beating a 3 time super bowl visitor Ben Roethlisberger. Yet we throw his skill, determination, accomplishments and even his faith aside and for what?

  • gideondavid30

    Tebow's suspension from the NFL is probably the best thing for him. It will make a better quarterback out of him.

    He could have started for a lousy team, but now is new and improved. I am hoping the training will push him into a top quarterback.

  • Eric Joseph

    the Heisman Trophy is the most overrated trophy you can ever win
    so many winners of that piece of junk never do shit in the NFL

  • BadBoyBowlCuts

    I don't think there will be another player to walk on this earth to be as good and humble as Tim Tebow. Everyone can hate but honestly he worked harder than 99% ofathlete's on this planet and got the worst treatment. I just wish he was able to make it to a team that appreciated his actions.

  • BLouis Productions

    IMA say the most realiest thing some QBs get a bad name that the suck and shit but if you look at the WR and O-Line that good QBs have and see why they sucks its because the WRs and O-Line can't gaurd or catch

  • RacerHatake

    wow.. you can say what you want about him and his playing style but he is a hard hard worker and he seems like a really nice and humble person. ofc its the NFL and haters are everywhere but he proved himself as a great leader, maybe not the best quarterback but down to the facts, what he did do in the nfl was winning, not beautifully, not perfectly safe, but he did win a lot. and to this documentary.. its really interesting how this whole draft process works, kinda weird that ppl are sold like that but its interesting how a couple of seconds on the draft day change and affect so many lives