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  • Wayne Prezzler

    God bless Tim Tebow and the amazing people who work with him to accomplish these amazing feats. As I've always stated for fans of Tebow like myself it's more than football the guy is a class act in every aspect of his life….The guys a winner in life

  • William Schmidt

    What an inspiration to all, it's really humbling to see a sports player give something back. I wish more people thought like you bud, god bless and God speed.

  • mwhitton2011

    this man changed my life. met him in 2012 and exchanged a 4 min convo. talked about life, goals, hobbies etc. this man deserves the best! happy birthday tim and thank you for everything

  • William Williams

    Happy Birthday Tim Tebow. God bless your work on and off the field. I am definitely Team Tebow and love wearing my Faith Hope Love shirt all the time. Thank you LORD for Tim. Keep yourself in the love of Jesus Christ!

  • Ann Keilers

    Tebow, just know your crown will be for what you do off the football field. if the other so called athletes did things such as this they would not have the desire for drugs. keep believing son, your reward is waiting for you. May God keep blessing you and everything you touch. God is good all the time.

  • Philip Alu

    Did your taxes go up because he wanted to help children
    Did your taxes go up because he had a hospital built.
    Did money$$$$$$$$$$$ get misspent…..
    Did some government party get paid off.
    Did he have enormous cost overruns….
    Than the Government had nothing to do with this…..and your taxes will not be going up…..

  • Arlene Artieda

    Thank the Lord for all of you, Tim Tebow and all the people behind Tim Tebow Foundation. Salamat po, for all the help and prayers you've extended to my kababayans. God bless you more as you endeavor to bring faith, hope and love to those in need.
    Keep shining for Jesus Christ!

  • Daniel fountain

    how could anyone NOT like this man as a human being? okay you don't like Gator sports, fine you don't believe in God. Helping other human beings have a better life we all can agree on that.

  • Ken Ven

    Tim you are the greatest football person ever. I hope you have a great year. You have helped make so many people life's great. God bless you and all the work you do.

  • Sileide Xavier

    Wow… What an inspiring video!
    May God bless you Tim Tebow and His light keep shining through you!!!!

    Happy Birthday

  • Sileide Xavier

    Wow… What an inspiring video!
    May God bless you Tim Tebow and His light keep shining through you!!!!

    Happy Birthday