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  • Matt Carroll

    "I like them at the way that I like them, which is at 12.5. To me, that's a perfect grip for the football." Tom Brady 1/22/15

    "The majority of the time, they take air out of the football. I think that, for me, is a disadvantage….
    … There should be a minimum on the air pressure but not a maximum. Every game they're taking air out of the footballs I'm throwing, and I think that's a disadvantage"
    Aaron Rodgers 1/20/15

  • Shaun Murphy

    I'm with Skip. Brady should fight the appeal. As a patriot's fan, we can see what Garrappollo can do. Even with a 4 game suspension, a 2-2 record and a pissed-off Brady seems pretty good.

  • Shaun Murphy

    And it needs to be said, EVERYONE IN THE NFL IS CHEATING! I submit that the New York Jets were cheating all year, but to no effect because of their lack of talent. The Pats got caught because they win. No one cares about the losers.

  • Pete Solano

    This is total Bullsh*t Brady should serve the 4 game suspension just because Kraft and the commissioner are good friends.

  • Ck Zuppinger

    IF Aaron Rogers would admit that he likes his balls a little over inflated, then why oh why didn't Tom Terrific simply say PUBLICLY that he likes his balls at the lower level of the league limit. But he never asked them to break the rules. You know why TB doesn't say that publicly. LOL Skip U know 2.