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    and u europeans/americans wonder why we Israelis have a wall around our country .. we know these animals well enough.

  • Keith Moon

    What the heck were white Europeans doing holidaying in Tunisia???
    I'm in a Mediterranean country and I've had 'many' opportunities to visit north Africa, but I always say no.
    It's pretty obvious why.
    Don't these people ever watch the news or read the papers???
    Btw, I'm going on holiday to Somalia soon, the beaches are great……………

  • vikiandmarcin

    Ok, Islamist killing Islamist ??? Smells like CIA and MoSSad as usual ;) "way of deception thou shalt do war"."
    OK, who will benefit from this? Don't rush…think. "We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran" but Tunesia? Egipt? Ukraine?

    Look at the map add Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Izrahell then add "Iran", Afganistan, Pakistan…smells like oil for China?
    Smells like war for PetroDollar? Banksters ( Rockeffelers, Rotchilds….Bush? Clintons? – They are not only for CIA drugs, folks)

    This is only Business nothing personal ;)

  • John Johnson

    I love that we're cutting our defence budget and reducing our army to a pitiful sum of 50 thousand members when attacks like this across the globe are accelerating at a phenomenal pace. Good Job England!

  • gyrovague

    This is unislamic if it is being claimed for Islam. There's also a lot of rivalries in the area according to the news reports. Don't listen to the immature trolls and fascists.

  • 786Resistance869

    am not justifying this attack but america's and britain's brutal illegal invasions of iraq and afghanistan is probably the reason why this gunman got radicalized and committed this atrocity