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  • Anthony Hawkins

    Im not usually a believer in violence but its got to the point now that we just cant stand by and do nothing. Too many people are being slaughtered in the name of Islamic State. We need to unite as a world and fight back. IS wont be satisfied until they take over the world and that means death to us all who are none believers.

  • Louis Defaux

    I think it's time the world and the authorities take measures to fight the terrorism AND PROTECT THE PEOPLE , ASSUME THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES. !!!!! What are they waiting for ???? more terrorists and more murders ????

  • Anthony Hawkins

    Absolute scum are anybody who joins up with IS. I dont believe that all muslims are terrorists like some of the comments being made. The majority of muslims believe in peace. Islamic State are extreme terrorist evil and its time the world came together and started fighting back instead of standing by watching innocent women,children being slaughtered.
    I do believe that its now time to close our borders and let nobody else in. How do we know who we are letting into the country and i fear for the future.

  • John ryner

    tunisia you lose for your love of the pedophile prophet mohammad the gay, now you can starve no more tourists hah hah

  • Stephen Aderanti

    Just looking at this, I believe that the world has gone mad and that we will be the destroyers of this very planet….

  • zuzu

    islamic terrorist can be terminated in the western countries by banning islamic terror books and shutting down the mosques and arresting muslim scholars and sheikhs who are preaching for terrorist acts, and deport muslim criminals and terrorists back to their caves and deserts..but terrorist in islamic countries they'll kill each others to be terminated, it has already been started..

  • Tj Johnson

    If there is a last "great" war (WWIII) it will be a religious war, like so many others, the religious nuts (mostly muslim) against the enlightened world. This should not be surprising with the apocalyptic longings of the the three major religions.
    If we survive (Iran is getting nukes for this, if they don't have them already…), humanity will finally learn the folly and danger of religion and we can finally make the world into the paradise it was meant to be.

  • reffoelcnu alouncelal

    Their are more people joining Isis from Tunisia than almost any other country,over 3.000' why weren't people warned not to travel ,this only came out on the news today

  • marvelousmarvin71

    I'vebeen saying it for years, do not visit filthy Muslim shithole countries, much better safer country's to visit, fuck Muslims!

  • emmanuel greg

    You don't condemn all the Muslims because of the bad and satanic ones among them are doing, I consider those bad ones as satanic agents, I thank God for the Moroccan people and their Government, esspecially the King, they are such a loving and well civilized people, they don't engage their selves in such act and their security is very perfect on tracking down those kinds of evil people, Egypt, Tunis and Algeria, they are now getting the results of the problems they've caused themselves, i have come to understand that those those things they did at the past called revolution was sponsored by those evil people called Islamic group, that was how they gain ground in those countries, through revolution.. Moroccan Muslims are far civilized more than other Muslim countries and I thank God their lives