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  • SilverSurpher1

    It's funny — Any Rand was a far stronger advocate of abortion than Margaret Sanger, and just as much an atheist to boot, yet the former is embraced by the right, even the Christian right increasingly, and the latter is vilified. Why?

  • Brigid

    "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

    Margaret Sanger (editor). The Woman Rebel, Volume I, Number 1. Reprinted in Woman and the New Race. New York: Brentanos Publishers, 1922.

  • taz069

    I LOVE the cigarret comercial… LOL OMG… I bet if they were doing that today, 90% of people would be smoking a Phillis Morris. LOL

  • keidiobiawadu

    Both the interviewer and the guest are incorrect in their predictions, biased toward anti-fertility and generally despicable personalities. Wallace sucking on cigarettes, promoting them as well, is indicative of the ridiculous degree of his enlightenment. Sanger is just a very unpleasant human being, period.

  • jdareyah

    For every one who want to decrease the population and have birth control/abortions, etc….how bout you kill yourself first, then you want have to deal with the so call problem. But if you dont want to kill yourself, then that means there is no population problems on earth and you just want to kill people off so you can control the people better. For the elite rulers think they Yahweh himself, and that all resources go through them.

    Her answers goes all over the place, even her boy language is full of shit. She dead now, I wonder do she think like this standing before Yahweh???Not

  • Ted Stevens

    Margaret sanger is a evil witch she is a satanist.Planned parenthood is eugenics and was created by the nazis.

  • Michelle “miche” michelle

    Why didn't she just teach women to close their legs; at certain times of the month like the CREATOR directed? There is only one week during pregnancy is really possible. One week you can't keep your legs closed as a woman. Count the days of possible fertilization. Abortion is irresponsible feminine behavior!

  • dragonflyhottie

    The funny thing is… the motives behind Planned Parenthood and Birth Control was racially influenced. Look up the Eugenics project & Birth Control Review. She hiding all this under the pretense of "supporting" women's rights. Trust that she had no direct idea of attacking the precious white babies of that time or even now. Why do you think your side bar is full of other Racially based problems. The Eugenics organization is even directly related to Hitler! This is American History.

  • KhalilMGebara

    A lying murderess through and through, raised on a completely hedonistic morality. A character completely consistent with her own "inner self" adoration.
    The most shocking thing in this video is to see a thoroughly consistent interviewer, who confronts a liar with her own words. THAT was a pro, not the stooges we have today.

  • Joshua Brophy

    This convoluted baby killer is a murdering scumbag who thinks spare babies are like spare kittens only kittens have more rights than babies do thanks to hags like her.