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  • Sara Haris

    They were very rude. Cara was obviously upset when she ended the call so I don't see why talking about her after the call ended was necessary. They would've probably pissed her off.

  • Delaney Burnham

    Those people were so rude! How could u talk to a celeb like that and be so rude like she isn't so peppy cause yall are being so rude! Totally unprofessional

  • kitty4lifesk1

    WTF!?! Those anchors were so rude!!! Cara was right to cut the interview short and not appease them. They were poking fun at her, which was OBVIOUSLY not funny! P.s. I so wanna know what she said at 2:25

  • Brendon Callaghan

    Its funny they can trash talk her all they want but she still makes more money in a week than they will in their entire lives

  • Tangela15

    Most of these questions are pretty standard, damn Cara, lighten up. There are several other things that are harder then being an actress lmao

  • Ivette Correa

    If you're going to conduct an interview with a high paid celebrity, the very least you could do is know their name. It's CARA Delevingne. Not Carla. Remember that name because this might be the interview to end your career in what I hope would be a swift manner. They were extremely rude and unprofessional. Cara Delevingne showed class, grace and patience and for that I respect and adore her to bits.

  • vero toscano

    I think both sides were rude. I know they interviewers ask her stupid questions, but for a professional actress she was rude to just cut the interview. That was not professional for both the interviewers and Cara. Just my opinion. :)

  • Jane Huzrad

    Is it possible to watch original video without some, fucking over the top annoying chick obsessed with celebrity's these days?


    wow people will defend a celebrity whatever the situation. how were the anchors rude? for asking if she read the book? how dare they? you guys need to stop being sheep and form your own opinions. look at her face in the beginning, she didnt want to be there from the get go

  • nostalgia ultra

    Although the reporters were very annoying, Cara was acting like a stuck up bitch since the beginning.

  • Nicola White

    Poor Cara! Those TV hosts were really rude but luckily Cara handled it with all the classy sass in the world. Good for her!