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  • Nathaniel Aiken

    All bullshit. They're trying to distract us from this young women's death. I find it funny how my TL has been dry af for like 4 weeks and then I hear of this girl being supposedly murdered and everyone is in an uproar about it then like 7 new things blow up my phone about how meek did this, hogan did that, Beyoncé said this. All a distraction from what we need to be worried about

  • Jason Photos by JAYE Porter

    His whole career wiped out in a second. I feel sorry for him. I don’t think it's that big of a deal though, I know some black ppl who has had that same conversation. You know the one, "Don't you bring home no white girl! I don't like you dating that cracker or that redneck".

  • Pooh Hardy

    WWE Kicking hulk hogan out for being racist meanwhile:

    Spanish tag team are bullfighters with the short one being the actual bull

    Black tag team prime time players playing the role as Ratchet team

    The new day has 3 normal black wrestlers who spoke normal for years take on the stereotype black preacher gimmick

    R truth is made to be the unbelievably idiotic black man

    Naiomi turned from cheerful respectable diva to major ratchet black girl

    Paige had segment being segregated for being too pale in the past

    Mexican tag team made into super luchadores

    John cena's old gimmick being a white guy with a ghetto-ish background dropped for superman caucasian

    All current coloured wrestlers aside from samoans have ethnic based stereotyped themesongs where as all white wrestlers themes are diverse

    All russians are always heel at first then made jokes

    the great khali……nuff said

    I'm missing some stuff out but the list is long enough

  • Romano

    "We had dreams just to make it up the flag pole/
    Just to find out that our heroes were some ass holes." – J Cole