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  • witchy90210

    I usually dont have to much of a beef with hunting, I do have a larger one with sport hunting, but seriously. To spend so much money and go so far out of your way as to lure an animal out of a protected area so you can kill it is utterly disgusting.

  • horseygurl143

    Whoever did this is a good example of human trash. Might have had some money, but didn't care about anything but the thrill of killing. If they ever catch this nut job, he needs to be sent to hunt ISIS. No maybe not. He was a horrible shot. Bow hunters usually are. I know some think they are so accurate, but I've heard plenty of awful stories at the feed store where I buy my horse feed. These hunters will be there buying corn by the barrel to bait their hunt camp area and telling all sorts of stories about things happening while hunting, often not finding their kill for hours and sometimes finding a dying suffering animal. And all the people who loved this animal. Hunters are such selfish individuals. I'm ashamed for this nut and anyone who supports this crap. He's probably not smart enough to be understand shame.

    RIP, Cecil.

  • betterdays when

    Roast their balls over the camp fire especially that prick who killed the black rihno. Nothing wrong with hunting for food but wiping out a species deserves a good ball roasting.

  • ProjectsBlack

    This is no different than going into a Zoo with an MP5, walking into the monkey house and opening fire. He is one twisted sadistic bastard and his teeth look ridiculous, the power tripping cunt.

  • mrgoodiejr

    Cnn who the fuck are you hiring? You can't even hire a decent anchor to say Zimbabwe properly. The anchor said Zimbabwea which is stupid. Wake up cnn

  • Philip “Yuna” Wester

    "I didn't mean to stalk, maim and murder a beloved national treasure, I just meant to stalk, maim and murder a virtually defenseless animal with technology it had no way of combatting just to make me feel like my penis is bigger than it actually is!"

  • tam rattray

    This dirty fuckin rat has killed numerous endangered species of animal for SPORT……well its time to redress the issue and put this Cunt out of his misery.

  • ms pn nz

    Who ever you are worth less than that majestic beings shit.cowardly shits you should have face him without your sneaky ways.