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  • Devoria Hall

    I stumbled upon this video. I have a kettle ball and will definitely do this entire body workout!……thank you so much for creating a beginner way to use it.

  • LivingInVancouverBC

    I need to lose 35 pounds, so I put down that darn kettlebell and boy do I feel better!
    Awesome workout! Hey, can I take it with me when I go swimming? ;-)

    Seriously, the 35-pound kettlebell weighs 5 pounds less than the weight* (*blubber) I want to lose. When I put down that kettlebell I feel relief, yet I'm carrying that much weight around all day. No wonder I get tired. I can't wait to lose this weight and feel lighter. Though I could travel to Mars, the gravity is less there.

    Hmmm, which is easier, exercising & eating right or going to Mars?

  • Kimbo Slice

    I do this with a 35 pound kettlebell and I am honestly exhausted after every time. should I not be improving? am I weak?

  • Heather Henderson

    Just started this today with a 10lb weight. I liked it a lot. In 4 weeks Im going to increase to a 15lb weight. Going to watch your other videos now.

  • Eugenia Halman

    Hi there,

    Can a person (me) with a double hernia do this workout as well?
    Or will I end up in the ER?


  • courtney setina

    How often would you suggest doing these workouts weekly? I am new to kettlebell workouts and I am excited about these videos! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • Brian Bailey

    Just started doing this workout a week ago. I'm 68, so starting with a 15 pound kettlebell, which doesn't seem to be a problem, so I hope with a bit more practice I can build up to a heavier one. Are there any specific exercise routines suitable for us 'more mature' individuals? (thinking about more flexibility perhaps?)

  • Charissa Williams

    i'm a beginner and purchased a 15 lb kettlebell…I seem like a light weight compared to the others but will continue to push through…like this and will incorporate into my morning workout. Thanks!

  • AIKbells

    Awesome video guys. We just uploaded a beginner kettle bell workout too as well as many more feel free to check it out on our channel! Thanks guys!

  • StaZ

    I received kettle bells for my birthday and am just starting to use them as part of my half marathon training. Thanks for the great video

  • Ibrahim Siddiq

    Hello . . . I was looking for a basic kettlebell routine that I had before that was a jerk technique on alternate sides of the body. However found these basic workouts, and hope to try . . . I am over 60 and not in the best shape or the worse, so what would be a good starting kettlebell weight to start off with.
    Thanks. . . .

  • Shari Barnes


    Whether you're new to the kettlebells or have been doing them for awhile, here's a great circuit to get the heart pumping.

    It's only about ten minutes long and keeps you hopping the entire time.