‘Greece will collapse this week and people will be terrified’ – Jim Rogers

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  • slackW1

    Leave EU no compromise. collapse is better than EU. Independence means .
    Vote NO, means step to leave EU.

  • 2minstral

    Why should Greece continue to borrow money for its national budget from foreign economic terrorists when the only real and accountable currency would be to create their own? Let the private banks fail, nationalize them, restart your own currency, and sign on to the Eurasian partnership. Life will be hard for a very short time in the transition, but the immediate prospects afterwards will be very good for all Greeks as trade will open up and tourism will skyrocket…all will benefit…and there will be no debt because the government will not borrow money but simply spend it into existence as it should be done…what is the rest of Europe waiting for, drop the Euro and return to your own national currencies. Do it! Change course and take destiny in your own hands rather than suffer economic tyranny to a bunch a of snivelling rat bankers…

  • Nikakis Kainourgios

    In Greek language the word ''comrade'' is ''συντροφος'' and comes from συν(together)+τροφη(food).We greeks consider our friend him with whom we share our bread and our wine, at a common table.European leaders proved unworthy of such an honor.

  • Ana Surena Vandenberg dos Santos

    The only viable option for Greece is to default on its whole loan book, including allowing private citizens to default on their Euro debt. The impact of the latter is great harm to the commercial banks, probably causing them to fail in turn. Greece would need to have a new currency, preferably electronic, with a way to finance new debt. That will not be easy, unless there is a foreign benefactor to hand, e.g. the BRICS.

  • Eric Blair

    There is only one way, you have to go through it and come out on the other side, THROW THE BANKERS OUT, GREXODUS.

  • Ro Nom

    Greece should do the same thing that Iceland did. Throw the banksters out. Start over. Iceland is doing fine. There is no way the people of Greece can ever pay the banksters back, it is a fantasy world. The Greeks tried the fantasy world politics of paying back the banksters with austerity on the backs of working people for five years. It does not work, and it will never work.

  • mamaknock

    Could You Live On $66.40 a day?
    ‘Greece will collapse this week and people will be terrified’ – Jim Rogers

  • Mohamed Kayse

    Just get str8 to the point and burn the banksters alive. They are the ones starving the Greeks.

    If Greece leaves the ZioZone aka EuroZone and joins Russia, it will have a domino affect and destroy the ZioZone and perverted usury will be no more!!!

  • Dimitri Vincheov (Truth Soldier 56)

    LOL!!!!! "Greece is insignificant. Its nothing on the world economy."


  • Dirk Larien

    WRONG! Manuel. All of us know the consequences!
    If they leave, we all leave.
    People like him want you to be afraid.
    When you are afraid – you are easy to manipulate.

  • Harvey Holloway (Healer)

    The greedy pigs that run banks should be dealt with. No one has the right to starve nations. If this can be done votes and democracy means nothing, if it can all be subverted over one none elected bankers whims. Our past leaders should be made to pay for leading us into economic slavery in the first place. Strip their homes and assets to pay for debt, not ours. I did not sign a loan and should not have to pay for it.

  • Ethercruiser1

    Greece needs to:
    1. Declare bankruptcy (Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks they should just default 100% on their debt, let the EU print more Euros out of thin air to pay the Bankers for the loans that were defaulted on… the EU is used to doing exactly that!)
    2. Restart their own currency (the Drachma)
    3. Turn to Russia & the BRICS, let the Russians send their gas pipeline through Greece (which will greatly help their economy) & let Russia have naval & air bases in Greece (more help to their economy)
    4. Eventually, Greece will have to learn to live within its own means & balance their budget. They cannot continue to have endless, non-sustainable budget deficits. They need to reduce the size & scope of government & have less dependency on big government/socialism.

  • Billy Batson

    Get out Greece. Get out. America just signed on/in illegally last week. Don't panic people of Greece, restore your economic FREEDOM. GET OUT OF THE VAMPIRIC E.U!!!

  • TectonicTsunami

    Greece needs to quit the evil EU completely and ally with Russia, this would have a domino effect and hopefully the entire disgusting EU 'project' will collapse and all Europeans will get their respective country back…look around you what's happening – the EU has destroyed a once great proud European homeland.

  • Jack Tomphson (mphet26)

    Greece will not collapse, they will get financial independence from Germany and a new partners with REAL investments.
    This vote will rather lead to collpase of the EU.

  • harveybirdmannequin

    I want Greece to serve as a lesson for everyone else. This is what you get for siding with the Legacy Capitalists.
    Greece joins NATO. Nobody forced Greece to join NATO. Now NATO tells Greece they can't cut defense spending even though 2.4% is over the 2% minimum, the other NATO countries aren't meeting the minimum, and Greece is in an emergency.
    Greece joins the EU. Nobody forced Greece to join the EU. Greece gets policies and laws from the EU which they have to obey and which the Greek people have no say over. Now when Greece is in trouble the EU turns its back on Greece. The savage, uncultured EuroPeons have been at war with each other for centuries. Did you think the EU was going to change that?