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  • Hubbledecker

    Juncker and the EU calling out betrayal is like Charles Manson calling out murder … The EU exists because of betrayal, deceit, scaremongering, bullying and lies on an unprecedented scale. It only also exists to serve itself – it cares nothing about national democracy, infact actively undermines it, or the people. One of the most disgusting antidemocratic institutions of our time …. The celebrations when we leave will be epic !!

  • thoravian

    ok so someone clarify this, the greeks took billions, didnt pay, refinanced for 35 years with false statements, and now when asked to pay back, they threaten?

  • kenbefound

    The way I see it Greece is a sovereign entity entitled to do whatever it feels is best for itself and it's citizens. They should let the banks fail and reset like Iceland did so successfully! But do it now before the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) is passed which will make that impossible in the future.

  • Billy Bob John

    Bullshit Jean-Claude, you're one of the main actors who insisted taking Greece into the Euro-Zone without reforms, maybe you were drunk that day too, that's the reason why you're so disappointed today, since reality sobered you up.

  • Lowell Ford

    Let the Banks go bankrupt…leave the Greek people alone. They were pushed into those loans NATO, Germany owes them money from WW2, France sells them old WW2 battleships then screams for money. Europe is full of Mobsters ripping off each other the U.S. has had their hands in this too…let the banks go broke and the Greek people live in peace.

  • Barend “Feyre” D

    A man who'd rather have all of Greece fall into anarchy, poverty and despair than risk upending the neo-liberal power structure which accumulates all wealth and power in the pockets of his buddies.
    Typical of a Luxembourgian, a country that thrives on extremist capitalism.
    I feel betrayed by you, you massive twat.
    Less than a year ago I was all pro-EU, today I feel grimy and disgusted living in the EU.

  • dustynbones

    The wealthy and the well off to do just don't want to pay their fair share of the taxes. The ordinary people and common man and woman pay their fair share. The EU failed to reign in the Tax Codes and enforce the laws. Germany & France can sustain and enforce such behavior, not the smaller countries. Look at Puerto Rico with the USA. Same thing. People who can afford to pay their fair share of the taxes just don't pay it. Nothing new. It's been going on for thousands of years and this fat slob knows that. He's a total liar and he's not doing nothing about it but passing the blame and coming up with excuses.

  • Cabronosidad

    Goodwill was thrown to the wind when they refused to give Greece even a partial amnesty on their repayments, insisting instead on making sure the hedge funds were paid in full for their predatory loans to the Greeks. Silly bastards. Serves 'em right.

  • nireas80

    He must be shame for his statement. If he is really so much love Greece and Greeks, Why he is threating them that will suicide in case of “NO’ answer. We didn’t die during so many years not in the second war, Persians wars or Turkish wars mr Juncker. Better you to be afraid. The Greeks never afraid, that’s a really very disappointed statement. You don’t want free people inside Europe. Greece doesn’t belong in this kind of Europe.

  • Konstant Papas

    "Feel a little betrayed"? Like the Greek people have felt from you, the E.U. and their own governments for the past 5 years?