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  • Auron1Roxas2

    Honestly after that first trailer fuck anybody who's complaining about Ben Affleck being batman! It's ridiculous how people are freaking out about him being batman and they had never even seen him as the character.

  • 420Slaterson

    I was always on Team Batfleck. Just putting that one out there.

    Still don't see Jesse Eisenberg as Luthor though.

  • Asad Shah

    He's gonna be the best batman, mark my words. Its that facebook movie kid that doesn't fit the lex luthor image

  • Razvan Suiogan

    Why do people hate on him?!?!? Just because of Daredevil???!!!
    He's a good actor why the hate?! :|
    He's tall, he's good looking, he's talented and has his own charm why so much hate? I really don't get it!

  • DarKMaTTeR

    Look at the positive side.
    1. He has the face for it.
    2. After Ben Aflek ruins the fanchise, it will be several years before they reboot it. I know you liked the last few Batmen, but do you really want a new one every two years? Forever? How many good ones do you think they have in them before it becomes like one of those yearly shitty videogames, like CoD or sport games?

  • Abe Garcia

    He could pull of batman I use to not think so but until I saw ben afflec's acting im gone girl he could pull it off he gets into his acting with passion

  • XFabuMazX

    people say he 'doesn't have the look' or 'doesn't have the voice'. Both of those things can be sorted- that's why he's an ACTOR. there are literally people on the crew who's sole duty is to fix those problems and make him as close to the role as is possible.
    The fact that Batman is originally a comic character helps too. None of the previous actors are 'The' Batman. It's impossibly to completely transfer a 2D character (personality, looks and all) to a real live human.

    That and, Affleck is generallya very good actor. He had a phase where he dropped in standards yes, but he's definitely picked it up again. Plus, people forget he wouldn't have been hired if the director didn't think him right for the role, or at least close enough. Most people love him or hate him, though I personally think he's great, as an actor and a regular guy, so I have faiththat he'll do okay (or as well as can be done in a Man of Steel sequel…)

  • Tony Atzen

    My opinion is:
    The producers know what they want. They have an image of how the movie should be like. And apparently Ben Affleck fits their vision. So let's give him a change. I can promise you, i'll be in the theater at release. I am a late, but big fan of Batman. So can't wait to see it.

  • Ramelo Alexander

    No worries about jesse playing lex, or ben as the next dark knight. I waz down since day 1. This new film will smash records & it has nolans d.n.a all over it. B v S will be the fukin' bomb y'all ! Can't wait. D !

  • Retro bats

    Loved it from day one. Epitomizes THDR batman from age to build, and the costume is perfect. Can't believe I'm seeing this interview for the first time. I get more frustrated with irrational haters than he does apparently. He has a great humor about it. Good on you Ben.