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  • John Rambo

    Colin, did you ever hear of these incidents? The Murder of Abelino Mazariego by a black 'teen' mob in Summit , NJ in 2010 and the carjacking murder of Dustin Friedland of Short Hills, NJ. I live in the area and these are the types of things starting to happen over and over.
    As usual, the coverup begins with writing it as 'a group of teens'…

  • Scarlatti2007

    This is called shitting where you eat. I love how they always try to characterize their bullying and bad behaviour as "having a conversation".

  • Bling News

    Dear Unitedstatesans, aren't you just fed up with the Morbidly Obese Black Brats of America acting like asses all across the nation on an hourly basis?

  • TapRackGirl

    the first bernie sanders interruption video on youtube has lots of views and all kinds of comments are allowed there but when i brought up colin flaherty's name my comment got deleted , all i said was "i hope he seen this"

  • Kevin Vo

    What an embarrassment. I would laugh at the irony of the spectacle, but it's just too pathetic. Watch as Socialist Sanders grovel to the uncivilized parasites, as they take his mic by force. They have no respect for him, as he doesn't even respect himself.

  • Thonis Incel

    So a senator can be forced to shut up and give up on his speech that easily?

    Now just any shaniqua can push him aside and yell while he is trying to speak in her favor?

    This is ridiculous. Where is the police pepper spraying these violent mobs who try to disturb peace?

  • darnell Bennett 35-1 against flomos

    The ruthless murder but evidence shows Michael brown the aggressor? Wow glad i finally made it out of the hood mentality and now i teach my kids the right way. Black lives matter but black women lead the nation in abortion and trying to look white

  • May Bee

    I don't like what Sanders stands for,or his ideology but he is a Presidential candidate and an older man. Where do these Black blobby drama queens get off treating him like this? No respect for their elders or their betters. Oh yea,maybe we should ask Sanders and his ilk.

  • AA69ist

    BLM is a branch of the New Black Panthers movement, read about what the founders of the movement stated their mission was.

  • Darren Dyke

    They love to grandstand, don't they?
    They're always looking for an audience. Whether it's bullying on the street or on a stage.
    They're lives are so pathetic, they have to create 'drama'.
    You'll never see them speaking up or fronting up for any 'real' socio-political issues.
    Getting tired of black lives, black lies, black crime and the glorification of 'black'?
    If black lives matter so much, then why don't they start acting and living to a standard which doesn't put them in a position to be shot.
    They are unbelievable.
    If a black tries to harm me or my family, his/her life does NOT matter.
    Good day.