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  • richiefranklin76

    Typical Liberal hypocrisy and double standards.
    Paula dean is accused of supposedly saying the n word 20 years ago.
    Gets absolutely butchered by the progressive media.
    Obama and Dom Lemon actually say/show the word on air.
    Almost no outrage at all from progressive media.

    Who's the real racists libs?

  • milkmandan77

    CNN has sunk to an all time low with this. How anyone can confuse this overt propaganda for news is beyond comprehension.

  • Roy Rki

    Why not ban the US flag, it's a symbol of western consumerism, slave capitalism and illegal wars that destroyed middle east in the last 15 years. It offends many people all over the world.

  • kideclipse

    Can they try to breed this anymore. The media is running with the plan of trying to start a race war instead of stopping it. Liberals disgust me.

  • robertmacleod

    shure as shooting they are playing us just like they have with the shia vs sunni conflict … they know how to push the buttons. And unfortunately that is how the rule and enslave us, with propaganda that incites violence against your fellow human beings.
    That way they don't have to worry about possibly getting hurt or wash their bloody hands.

  • Treyshawn Bahira

    Really… The media seriously thinks America is stupid. Divide and conquer, hah!These idiots! Who would allow this?