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  • Julie Patchouli

    I saw a video with Jordan Maxwell that talked about this very thing. I didn't really understand what he was saying. I understand much better now! Thanks for this eye opening video!

  • Jo S.

    Whatever came of this? Is there a follow up video? We need a volunteer for every county that has not nullified from the Fed to hold a hearing and address this issue. The county council members are clueless to any of this. They need to be informed, and then if they do not move on it…then there must be a citizen's arrest of all of them….as they are in treason…

  • Christopher Chapman

    This is very encouraging, the people will prevail if they get up and do something!!!
    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest.

  • jleetxgirl

    More important info to be AWARE of NOW is in this video:
    New vocabulary word to have in mind every day : AgitProp.

  • Andrew Mango

    I listened to 10 minutes of this very convincing argument however, I'm afraid that in the end, it will yield no good fruit. Here's why. While it is true, that government is in fact, functioning under what is known as De Facto and color of law. And, that there is without a doubt, crimes against humanity committed by these usurpers on all levels and tiers. That the humanity of the person, also referred to as the creation by LORD God, has fallen unwittingly through careful plan, conspiracy, and force of both passive and active execution and vitiation, declared itself aka " Entity;" Nevertheless, fully separating itself of priviledged, rightful, God-ordained, lawful powers of De Jure law and its Ministers, which is the holy union of church and state governd by the Universal constitution applied in its solemn form known as Romas 13: 1-7.

    In other words, the sepration of church and state is a snare and a ploy. And to make it absolutely fortified against righteousness and possible divine human intervention; and to make sure this wicked entity thrives to the fullest intent, i.e. the intent to harm the LORD God creation and its purpose for the good of society, and tranquil coexistence; The Holy Roman Catholic church, aka Vatican II, 1958, has also, by usurpation, been infiltrated by Judeo-Masonic deviant forces. This is the wicked or unholy union of Satanic church or Judeo, post 33AD, and tresonist state affiliation circa 1500 under the reformation upheavel in Christendom Europe.

    For example. First there is LORD God then there is the Law. The Law is the Ten Commandments. Moses was a God-Ordained Minister of this Law. This Law is today regarded as De Jure Law and clearly distinct from De Facto law. Study Romans 13:1-7. Still, with the passage of time, and the arrival of Jesus Christ on earth, the Law {and the Law is to be regarded as both Natural and Universal and will always be above any and all laws in perpetuity}. However, by direct ; And I have to make this clear; only by, direct and without a doubt distinction, of its Creator LORD God, can the Law be lawfully changed. This change is clearly evident to be a ceremonially one when the Sabbath was declared lawfully transferred from Saturnday in the Old Covenant to Sunday in the New and everlasting covenant; and by none other than LORD God Himself; emphasis added. It will be worth it for you to fully grasp the meaning and intention of the word Covenant. I will preface that the Old Testament/Covenant was a prefigurement of the New Testament/Covenant. Since this Covenant is an agreement between LORD God and His Creation i.e. the good seed, and enforced by sinners stained by the mark of Original sin, aka God's ministers, the Natural and Universal Law will forever remain supreme; No " and" "if" or " but" about it.

    For example. On the surface Romans 13:1-7, states that every soul is subject to the higher powers….Let's stop right there. For the lay individual, higher powers will most certainly be understood to be the rulers and there penal system for judgement and punishment. As we enter the Christmas season let's take a closer look at this.

    FACT. Saint Mary was IMMACULATE and Mary was without sin from the moment of her conception. Saint Joseph was not free from the stain of original sin. He was a sinner. Still, LORD God chose Saint Joseph to be the guardian of both his wife Saint Mary and the baby Jesus.The one and only Divine First Family. When, the Wisemen arrived in Jerusalem, they encountered king Herod asking him for the whereabouts of the Nativity. Herod, confused, indicated Bethlehem. Then Saint Joseph during a dream encountered an Angel instucting him to take the mother and the child and flee to Egypt for Herod seeks to kill all infants two years old and under. The Angel further instructed Saint Joseph to remain in Egypt until Herod's death. The Wisemen too were given lawful orders to report back to Herod once the location of the Nativity was located. Herod in lock step with De Facto rule of course lied to the Wisemen when he said " report back to me His whereabouts for I too want to honor the new born King."

    Thankfully, Saint Joseph and the Wisemen were very well versed with scripture and God's law. Both possessed common sense to understand the difference between De Jure Law and De Facto rule. The difference between Ministers of LORD God for good and purveyors of Iniquity! Both definitely understood what the higher powers were all about even though during this time Romans 13 wasn't even penned yet.

    But Isaiah in the Old Covenant indicates that the Governments of the world sit on God's shoulders! That is the same thing as the Ministers of LORD God. The Angel is certainly the higher power. The Wiseman sort of goofed when they revealed to Herod the birth of God on earth when they mentioned to Herod that " we saw His star." Nevertheless, fully aware of their gaff and remembering that the governments of the world sit on God's shoulders, they did not report back to Herod and this afforded the Holy First Family enough time to safely flee. See how God uses us even though we are sinners to carry out and fulfill His mission.

    When you step into a court room unwittingly you give respect to a false unholy and wicked Idol by being told to rise and then be seated.That's a violation against Natural Law. That's because it is genuflecting. Next, depending on your particular circumstances, you are asked to make a plea. That's called supplication and that is a form of begging which is same as a prayer. Yes, when you pray you are begging and it requires that you humble yourself to some authority. Unfortunately this particular authority is corrupt. Never make supplication to sinners like a corrupt official but to LORD God only. LORD God has reclaimed and has purchased you when His Holy Blood ran down the Holy Cross and contacted the then cursed earth. Want to avoid falling into the hands of theses purveyors of wickedness do that which is declared good by LORD God. Especially while wickedness is kept unchecked. But that'll soon change. For the followers of LORD God's and His LAW " You will receive your fill of JUSTICE"

    A court room is in effect the same as a synagogue of Satan. A US court room is Babylonian in origin and enforced by Talmudic law by wicked Rabbis. If anybody, particularly officals, envoke the word God, consider it a trap! God could literally mean just about anything or anyone and not necessarily LORD God! Keep in mind the One and only Holy Trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three Divine persons, One God. So how do you make the distinction? This you must find out for yourself especially if you do not want to fall into wicked hands. It's black and white without any shades of gray whatsoever. DeFacto rule is so corrupt they can't even be binded to their own brand of law. I'll spell it for you word by word. Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization better known as RICO. And that is at the heart of De Facto rule.

    Finally, while LORD God's LAW can never be changed since it is a blessed Covenant Jesus Christ did simplify the Law nevertheless. Recall First there's LORD God, then there's the LAW. Separate from the Old Covenant nevertheless the same LAW with the exception of the Holy day transfered from Saturnday to Sunday and is as follows. "Love thy neighbor as thyself, and "do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Note: If you're are of the good seed that is. Meaning God's family.

  • Diane Ransom

    Tom and Bruce, I am pleased that you two have accomplished sharing the Truth America needs and also providing a testimonial that hard work does pay. I do not know how you can surpass this except by more videos like this. God love ya guys, and Thank You.

  • Diane Ransom

    I am sorry. I do not know how one's blood does not boil over this truth. Most of us see it in parts and can not seem to add it to the whole. I see it all. The Big Ugly Truth and all it's spawned spue.