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  • Attack on Titan is actual feces

    "I can't believe don, That you as an african american man are going to use that word so flippantly"

    Really? Who says it more than Black people?

  • Norman Smart

    for fuck sake did no one actually listen to what obama said or did they just fixate on a word he referenced?

  • whatsyourethnicity1

    What is important is the fact that African Americans in this country with over 400 years of slavery and oppression have yet to be reimbursed or compensated in any way in return of the enslavement that their ancestors and family where forced to endure for generations. All for the well-being of this country and it's slavemasters family. And yet not to recieve any form of reparations or apology from any official in office till this very day. This country is built on the backs of millions of slaves. But America paints the African Americans as the problem for everything. African Americans are the only race to be enslaved, oppressed and eventually criminalize by America

  • DreamcastGuy

    Don Lemon needs to chill out. He seems a little to comfortable waving that confederate flag and giant sign.

  • Titus Orelius

    This is one of the few times I am in agreement with Don The Sellout Lemon. One of the reasons racism is still such a huge problem in this country is that we have made it impossible to TALK about racism honestly. Everything is censored by PC Police. They have put the solution out of order. FIRST you deal with the Racism in people HEARTS than you can deal with Racism in the Language. But they dealt with Language FIRST and that made it impossible to reach the racism in people HEARTS.

    Now the racism just festers behind closed doors until it blows up like a Boom ad fucks everyone up. Than people use the tragedies for political gain on BOTH SIDES.

    This country is fucking sad.

  • Kristen Ungstad

    You know what, it makes me uncomfortable to HEAR that word… My initial reaction would be to ban it, but that's exactly why people in the news media SHOULD say it. It helps me to empathize with the story.

  • wrestlingmast543

    At 4:00, Cenk said that he was ready to rule against Don Lemon. At this point, I think that Cenk's default position is to be ready to rule against Don Lemon as soon as he hears Lemon's name attached to a story.

  • Chuck Morgan

    I love Don Lemon. I hate the fact that some people dislike him simply because he doesn't take the victimized black man position.

  • TrueFriends HelpMoveBodies

    Don…shut the fuck up. You know good and well what Obama was talking about and that it's okay in that context. The Confederate Flag is a symbol of racism and it's Anti-American.