Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale “Mother’s Mercy” Jon Snow’s Death? Live Reaction, Review & Recap

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  • The RADcast

    It's also possible that Tycho Nestoris shows up on the iron bank of bravos behalf to stop brienne from killing Stannis since they're backing his claim.

  • COFAFitness

    All I can say is wtf! But the sorceress is there she will revive him. Also disappointed they didn't have his wounds smoking as in the book.

  • Tanay Patel

    Jon gets resurrected by Melisandre. There is a reason she just shows up there. There was also a reason that they shows her visiting the Brotherhood and learning that Thoros was able to bring people back. She knows that she can do it now, and she knows Jon is important. She will bring him back, and his "death" will basically free him from any vows he took in joining the Night's Watch. He still wants to be on the side that fights the White Walkers though so ye Red Witch will most likely help him have a vision to figure out where to go. He will ultimately meet up with Dany and Tyrion and control three dragons to fight against Coldemort and his undead entourage…