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  • jakepv1

    You racist pieces of shit in the comment section, make me sick to my stomach… It was assholes like you that caused all these problems…

  • Angélique Bouvier

    The Bahamas needs to follow this too with their good for nothing dirty asses coming to our countries and giving nothing back and haitians burn our flag but then they're allowed to have a god damn flag day every year? They say the Bahamas is shit but we're the richest Caribbean country? Ungrateful turds needs to go back to Africa.

  • Heats1Fan

    Time for Hatians in America and abroad to give back to the country, the United States is a hindrance to most countries in North/South America, but we have to persevere and rebuild the country. Do what the Jews did with Israel.

  • jakepv1

    They should become one island, like it is in reality. Boarders are fucking stupid… why separate all the poor on one side of a tiny island? Dumbass world we live in…


    ITS kind of like america deporting the mexicans who do the jobs they dont want to do.
    a shit storm is coming…..watch.

  • Terrell Perry

    Stupid people in the DR don't realize their of mixed African decent America back in the 1800 made the mixed people enslave the full blacks fast forward today this is effect. Supermacy