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  • Dan Tavis

    He may not bea very good quarterback in NFL standards, but you'd be damned to find anyone in the NFL that has a bigger heart and God centered character then Mr. Tebow.

  • Lena Hovanesian

    Tim has inspired my life in so many ways. Because of his influence, I had the courage to serve and helpchildren with life threatening illnesses. I never thought my heart could handle it, but with God's strength, I did it. It has forever changed my heart, my spirit, my mind and my life. I will never be the same. God is using Tim Tebow in such a mighty way to impact the lives of others. I'm living proof. JESUS IS LORD.

  • Sandra Gonzalez

    Excellent song choice, one of my favorites.
    Such a great man, thankful that he keeps doing God's work. May God bless Tim and the others that live for Him also.

  • Billy Bob

    Tim, you are a great roll model, plus you are a great example of what it means to be the salt and light of this world. My son looks up to you no matter where you choose to go. We will alway follow you and pray you will make the right choice, where ever that might be. Let your light shine among men so that your Heavenly Father will get the glory.

  • ThunderChunky77

    For a change: Ill be that Atheist that says Tim Tebowis a wonderful person and a true advocate for humanity. Who cares what his personal beliefs are. The world could use a million more Tim Tebow's.
    All the best.

  • Robert Amos IV

    His NFL career might not have gone far, but wow Tebow is such an amazing person. People mocked his faith, but it is his faith that makes him so incredible.

  • ChuckieJ Gaming

    There are plenty of life-threatening illnesses that don't mean you will die soon and often include invisible pain and suffering. She could have very easily been smiling through some real pain here.

  • Shampa Rice

    am crying ……lets celebrate Life as long as we have it ……Lets just Love !
    leave all the bickering behind…… why waste time? if you and I are busy loving people we will not stumble over who thinks what <3 from a little mom in India !