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  • Nnvy G

    No one is buying your bullshit anymore Bibi. You better start worrying about your own undeclared stockpile of over 300 nuclear warheads.

  • Sam Fitt

    America and the world are sick of your sorry sob story Count how many wars and people you have made homeless and killed count how many nukes you have. Simple do the math and count the true facts. Ho much money and support the world has given you and what do they get in return the same B.S. I'm a victim.

  • Ahoora TheGreat

    A little history lesson: long time ago Iranians saved these jews from babylon and thats why jews exist today. This ungrateful war loving jew called Netanyahu and the rest of them, want Iran to be destroyed they don't want this deal to be successful so that they can get America to bomb the whole country. If you support Israel you support the killing of children and women because that's exactly what Israelis are doing in their neighboring countries. And Hezbollah was originally made to defend Lebanon from Israel when Israel tried to invade them. America has done horrific things to Iran and Iranians over the last decades and the only thing that Iran did to America was to hold bunch of ambassadors for 1 year and did not harm them at all. Iran is not the one thats evil. America and Israel are the real terrorists here. Besides the only country to use nuclear weapons against civilians was America not Iran. Israel itself has more than 50 nuclear warheads without signing the NPT. Get some facts people.

  • Trev S

    Who cares what Israel think – they lost all credibility when they slaughtered kids in Gaza and illegal manufacture nukes from stolen technology

  • Shanghai Noon

    The world may hate this man today, but when nuclear catastrophe breaks out in the Middle East, he will be remembered as the one man who stood against the mainstream view. China knows all about muslims and their militant values. They will stop at nothing to further their religious cause.

  • trialcritic

    Bibi made a mistake of fighting with Obama. Due to this, he was kept out of the negotiation. A number of people in Israel are unhappy with him. Hopefully he will learn from this expensive mistake.

  • tysswe1

    Fucking jews. Israel has nuclear warheads and chemical weapons, and they use illegal weapons against gaza. Im not a fan of muslims, but israel is a fucking pain in the ass for the entire World. Israel is a criminal state, where all the zionist jews go when they have stolen enough Money. They litterally stole the land from the palestinians, with genocide as a result.

  • Michael Justice

    I'm not anyone important but as an American I'd like to apologise to Israel for president Obomas actions. He will go down as having the WORST Foreign Policy in U.S. History.

  • craig miller

    there is a famous quote made by Sharon to Peres that claims Jewish "dominion " over the USA in all aspects of policy , i tried to copy and paste it …Examples of Zionist Hate Speech have it on a web page

  • Karl Pershing

    Netanyahu make sure you do not order a Lavon Affair or a USS Liberty against us Americans and blame Iran. No more false flags you piece of shit. We are watching you and your Sayanim very closely.

  • Tanya Rass

    The road to peace and stability is now set. Iran may proceed according to the agreement. If Israel doesn't like it, tough. However, should Israel decide to unilaterally attack Iran, then Israel should face the consequences . . . ALONE, and Israel will be universally reviled as the pariah state it is.

  • Joseph Kony

    Israel is a terrorist state, israel is a racist state, Israel support terrorism all over the Middle East such as al nusra, isis and Al Qaeda. Israel has used WMDs twice during the past 8 years. Israel used cluster bombs in Lebanon in 2006 and white phosphorus in Gaza drink 2009. Israel commits espionage treason and spying all over the world. Israel is the real threat to world peace

  • Donald Beckett

    islam attacking the entire world ? I cant remember them invading Iceland lol is this guy related to hitler ?