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  • Clayton Wingard

    Diplomacy > war. Good job Obama for using your brain, versus, pushing the red button. I hope presidents of the future follow your precedent.

  • JyByrd Jybyrd

    Bullshit. You started a nuclear age in the middle east with Saudi Arabia now buying them from Pakistan. Iran will have one thanks to your deal and Israel will be the first to use one. This is all lies and propaganda. Obama, you don't know what a position of strength is, you've brought this Country to its knees. Maybe that is a power position for you and Michael.

  • burtnjo

    Well done Obama, after enough grovelling, appeasing and apologising to tyrants and terrorists, your finally going to top that, and allow them the right to engage the free world in a thermonuclear war. Our children and grandchildren will curse your legacy and the day you set foot on this earth.

  • Trevor Marr

    So Iran has agreed that they wont develop the Nuclear bomb on it's own, but can they still buy one off ebay?

  • Basil the Porphyrogenitus

    Wow. He may actually go down as the worst president. Did not thinking he could beat Bush, but this idiocy is impressive.

  • JyByrd Jybyrd

    This man is a known liar. I voted for him in 2008, falling for hope and change, he's betrayed be ever since. This fraud should never have had the power we gave him. Arrest and jail Obama for fraud and treason. Whatever he says plan on exactly the opposite happening.

  • Biogenic Gnosis

    I don't know if I buy this.. But I'm not going to call it bullshit like some reactionary insane conspiracy freak. Do your research. That's all I'm saying.

  • Robert Eskuri

    Better than another war we can't afford. If they don't act like North Korea, where they start talking shit a week after we give them something.