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  • nefty73

    Is this something I could do to lose 100 pounds? That's how much I need to lose. I'm male, age 42, 6'1", 300 pounds. I would rather work out at home with kettlebells if that can work for me, instead of driving to a packed gym to do a traditional weight + cardio program.

  • Roberts Jansons

    I did all of the workout with 10kg oldschool dumbell, but I am alive and gonna do this one once a week. Thanks for the workout!

  • D Newman

    My heart was like YES! My muscles were like "HELP ME!!" Whew, what a workout, the lunges and the turkish get ups were killer!

  • John Park

    this is harder than i thought, good stuff..question, i notice in a lot of kettlebell vids that people tend to workout barefoot. is there any benefit or necessity while working out with kettlebells?

  • Bernard Kelly

    This is a great workout for anyone new to kettlebells. Nice warm up, warm down and stretch included. Lots of varied exercises keeps it interesting/enjoyable and the time flies. Don't need a gym just some space at home and a couple of kettlebells. No excuses.

  • WarriorBunnies8

    This one is my go-to workout when I've had a longer break from properly working out, it really gets me back into the routine!

  • Ted Shoemark

    Thank you Fitness Blender, thank you Daniel! You guys rock and totally embody what I believe is true fitness, helping improve our own as well as others lives. You're inspirational!

  • Emily Rochon

    okay so I lost a ton of weight with fitness blender and once i got to my desired weight I stopped working out, biggest mistake of my life. Yes, I lost fat but after I stopped the workouts, I lost muscle, I got softer and I noticed a dramatic loss of strength. Fitness blender shouldn't be used for weight loss, it should be used to stay healthy. I miss being toned and strong so of course I'm returning to fitness blender because it really works! Can't wait to feel sore again!