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  • username39443

    I love it when guys with beer guts and cheesy, Doritos stained fingers comment on fitness videos and tell the poster he is doing something wrong because in another YouTube video someone said to do it a different way.

  • reg profant

    To say kettlebells don't build muscle is absurd. It's weight is it not? Any weight,be it a tire, barbells, dumbbells, sandbags,bodyweight or anything else you can come up with is weight in different forms requiring different functions of action. Thus building muscle for different functional endeavors. How you train with whatever weight equipment you choose determines how your muscles develope. You can sit and argue about a hammer all day and it still won't do the job when a screwdriver is needed.


    I think you have some fair points. Let's face it though, in a natural sense, as in, as humans we should have cardio and muscle combined in a natural way. We aren't supposed to look like arnie. Women (on average) find men more attractive who are slim, toned and strong. Most women don't like huge muscles.

  • Joe Davola

    Can anyone that actually knows what they are talking about shed some light on the difference between these and dumb bells? I can't help but think these are just a huge marketing fad that don't do anything that a dumb bell can do….

  • TL Brooke

    I train with kettlebells for golf and have gotten stronger. How can I have gotten strong and not built muscle?

  • Scott Schoen

    K-B will build muscle, if you are a beginner, but not excessive size muscles. There is one thing S-C made which is that it will give you a good cardio workout. As a cyclist I use them and I love the shape and size of my legs. Perfect for my life style. Usually bodybuilders don't do much cardio in the first place and in the end, they end up having heart attacks around 50y/o because their bodies cant support the weight. One of my clients who has huge muscles has pec which were the size of antelopes, he couldn't not walk up 5 flights of stairs without almost passing out. He has A-Fib now and A-T is just a matter of time. I'm sure S-C meant to post "kettle Bells don't build massive muscles"

  • Thesocraticbreed

    Kettles don't build bodybuilder bodies well like those bar bell exercises body builders use, but it does build great amounts of strength and functions. Its just that your body won't be well sculpted which is great since you do not need such anyway unless you want to be a model or impress the ladies at a beach.

  • Jay inri

    i kinda noticed im like the only guy at my planet fitness that really works w/ the kettlebells and medicine balls area.. dont kno why but im hooked on bodyweight training, i used to be a dumbell and bars junkie (was a powerlifter) but i dunno i feel more lighter and mobile and flexible doin this new forms of workout (plus u stand out from the crowd more)

  • Heidi Hansen

    wrong about them not building kai green kind of muscle. Andy Bolton, a super elite powerlifter, with loads of muscle, uses kettlebells. Check out the book dynamite deadlift and he talks about it. He is right about them being great for conditioning. But I also use them to help me with my powerlifting. You can still use them for low rep work. I used them for dead stop snatches today with sets of 3 on each arm with 55 pounds. I will make this allowance, I am a woman, so that may not seem like a lot for a guy, but for a girl, pretty good and I know doing these have helped me prepare for the Highland Games which I also recently started competing in.