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  • Death Templer

    The dislikes are because of the lack of depth to Sarkeesian and Wu. The threats against Wu were supposed to be posted by a sock puppet account that she made to make herself play victim. She accidentally forgot to switch to the fake profile and it showed the world who she really is. As for Anita there is not nearly enough info about her situation. She has said so many lies and has been proven wrong time and time again but never listens to ANY opposition and labels it as harassment. She's openly suggested that segregation in schools is a good idea, constantly tries to make it seem as if all white men are sexist brutes, and has said she has been a gamer all her life, loves video games and is really into them. However we have video evidence showing her saying she doesn't know anything about video games and isn't a fan of them. We need a TV special on all news networks who have featured her that tells the truth so people stop looking at gamers as horrible people. Most women who actually play games can't stand her. She's been complaining on how the new Batman game is sexist against women and ruins these games for women. Yet my gf absolutely loves the Batman games. She says things that shows easily just how little she knows of games or what she talks about. Just a quick example:
    Fallout 4 is bad because it's too violent. It's unacceptable and wrong.
    So why does she talk about how awesome Catniss Everdeen from Hunger Games is?
    You can't kill kids in Fallout 3 or 4, but Hunger Games crosses that line. But Catniss is a lead female role, so it's ok. The double standards this women throws out there are ridiculous.
    Video Games are not a system that is made to make people feel included, it's an entertainment medium. ANYBODY can make a game if they please, it just takes time to learn. She is shaming people for creating games they want and selling them to people who want them. I'm a guy, but a main female character in Mirror's Edge Catalyst won't ruin the game for me. I loved the first game, and I'm getting the $200 diorama or Faith to proudly display. You can play any game you want. We need to stop spreading lies and give the full story.

  • Zach Eisenhour

    I love John Oliver's show, but it seems like he plays the sex card way too often. It doesn't matter what the topic is, he makes it seem like women have it so much worse than men, even in a show like this one about cyberbullying. Trust me, internet trolling sees no boundaries (Sex, Race, Class, Age) etc. If you are on the internet enough, you're going to get some hate.

  • Richard Williams

    Women are not weak people. They can handle themselves on the Internet. The Internet is safe and there will always be trolls. But women don't need you or anyone else patronizing them.

  • Ellen Lee

    Most of my female friends don't "participate" online because of harassment. It's always very predictable: at first men call you a cunt, bitch, etc. and if you don't back down, they start with the rape threats. If you STILL don't back down you get death threats (including threats to kill my daughter).

    Do men get harassed online? Sure. But not nearly to the same extent as women. Same as street harassment: how many men get catcalled on the street? Not too many (including my boyfriend and he's gorgeous!).

    Grown men who play video games have this massive sense of entitlement and a lot of them (not all) are deeply mistrustful of, and angry towards, women. They are playing video games to escape having to deal with women as people and here come some women wanting to "invade" their little NO GURLZ ALLOWED treehouse. Their reaction is hysterical rage that would be comical if they weren't so deadly serious in their hatred of females.

    The grief you have to put up with to play a video game as a woman is just not worth it, and most of them I've tried are lame anyway. So I don't have a dog in this fight. But if a woman wants to play a game, or do anything in this life, she should be able to do so without fear of vile harassment.

    I won't be responding to any threats, insults etc. as a result of this post. Simply not worth my time.

  • ViNcEnT RoSs

    John Oliver, the endless barrage of valid criticism and rebuttals of Anita Sarkeesian are all over the internet. How about you look at the inbox's of male users. You show a statistic from a news channel that deals ONLY with sexual harassment, ignoring all other forms. Plenty of guys pretend to be girls to get better treatment. This horse shit is just third wave feminism. The lack of credibility in your newer episodes is stunning. Please research more before performing your next show.

  • MurrayTheMac

    Oliver played a blinder. He wanted to draw attention to online harassment, but thought "How can I make people who don't understand this understand this?" like he always does. Then he basically did this:

    Oliver: "Online harassment of women exists. Don't believe me? (ahem) … 'Anita Sarkeesian'."
    (watches fuckstorm of abusers and fucktards descend)
    (Oliver and everyone else in possession of their sanity, standing above watching fuckstorm happen)
    Everyone else: "Holy shit, you're right John. Let's go start doing something about this."

    It's completely and totally beautiful. Well done, John.

  • gimpinmypants

    Whiny white boys in the comments. No surprises there. Everything is A-OK in the world–their world.

  • InappropriateDirtyComments

    how the hell is telling people to not take naked picture or make bloody sex videos the same as telling people to not have a house so it doesn't get robbed the same thing? are you kidding me oliver? i usually like your rants, but this holds no weight whatsoever. the onus is on the person taking the pictures and videos to not put themselves in that position. a more apt comparison would be drinking and driving!

  • Adam Wise

    While I think it's disturbing and very sad that women face such online harassment, what disturbs me even more is the prospect of having law enforcement go online and monitor people for harsh/aggressive/violent language. That's what is making it so difficult to get behind a potential solution for this, at least for me. While I agree, sick individuals who stalk and harass others need to be punished…I don't want the law monitoring the internet. The moment that's done, the internet is done as it is one of the last few bastions (mostly) of free speech and (more importantly) language.

  • Justin “NullGenesis” Purdy

    A month later and people are still focusing on the fact that Anita and Brianna were on a video about online harassment for what amounts to less than 30 seconds and completely ignoring the rest of the video. I would say I have lost my faith in humanity but I lost that years ago.

  • Sonic Doctor

    Have to dislike because you gave face time to Wu and Sarkeesian. Yes, they received threats, but then they turn around and basically cry out, when people use logic to prove them wrong about the subjects they talk about, and claiming that saying they are wrong is abuse on its own.

    People like them have warped people's minds into thinking that the whole Gamergate thing has to do with sexism against women, when the truth is that it is about ethics in games journalism. They also love to claim that any woman that disagrees with their views(which there are many) aren't women, but guys with fake accounts.

    John Oliver, by giving those two face time, you have lost a lot of credibility. You and your team need to do a lot more research when you do these "soap box" videos. Many of them you are right on the money, but then there are always a few in each group that you seem to drop the ball and defend the wrong people.

    The message for this video is good, but examples like Wu and Sarkeesian don't fit.

  • MasterLoki1991

    +LastWeekTonight please check your facts. Anita Sarkees is a liar and makes a profit off being hated.

    men receive just as much crap in online communities.

    im disappointing that this fell into a feminist only argument. however the down vote is from having Anita in your video. she is as much a victim as the westro babtis church.