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  • UnperfectFeeling

    Actually I genuinely wonder how do people justify the use of this flag nowadays. Reactions quickly turn into simple insults.

  • Cormacio Fino

    Redneck Americans, please don't kill/shoot John Oliver :( You'll realise, when you start thinking, that he's never been wrong about anything. He is a gift to your country. Kind of like how the French gave you the Statue of Liberty and you treat them like shit for no reason? Please treat him well. He deserves it.

  • SupermarketSweep777

    2:29 Other than that the only acceptable place for theConfederate Flag is with things actually involving the Civil War. Such as important battlefields (Like Gettysburg.) museums, and the occasional reenactment.

  • FuckYouGoogle

    So they want to remove the confederate because it represented slavery?

    So shouldn't they remove the American flag as well?
    After all, slavery existed in the United States before the confederacy even existed. Also lets not forget about the genocide of the natives.

    Even if you do believe that the civil war was fought strictly over slavery. The one fact remains. The fact that the confederacy, in it's 5 year history, never wiped out nearly an entire race in the name of expansion. (like the U.S. did)

    By those standards we could effectively view the American flag (as well as most world flags) as equivalent to the swastika.
    With that said, leave the Confederate flag alone, it's there in remembrance of history and the fact that they are removing it is hypocritical to say the least.

  • Warren Albert

    What about the General Lee car that has the flag to. from Dukes of hazard show. Do they want to make all those hundreds of history and show cars flags to be removed too. Better to remove the people who dont want the flag I say.

  • evanr32

    It's surprising to see this is still a matter of contention. Anyone can interpret the flag the way they see fit. However, the flag's connotation in many, if not all contexts is one of racism and hatred. The swastika was seen as a symbol of hope by some and yet we all know what kind of expression it conveys. Any perversion of history can attempt to justify its use, but the beliefs surrounding the flag's existence have led to countless murders and it must be removed from the SC State Capitol, at least as a first step to fixing the rampant racism in the U.S.

  • Saint Boudreau

    Keep the Confederate flag waving, nothing to do with black people the US treated the black people badly well into the 1970’s. Lincoln is a tyrant oppressive to the south wanted only to save his job at the cost of 600,000 lives and the total destruction of the south Lincoln broke the law and destroyed the US constitution. People need read history and stop listening to liars.