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  • Karolina R.

    I think this cover is amazing and i dont understand what the fuss is about, Nicole sang this song ''her way'' because a cover is your way of singing not just copying the artist, she improvised and was unique, a lot of other singers just copy the whole performance and try to sing the way the real artist sang the song, but Nicole didn't she sang ''Nicole's'' way and it was exclusive.

  • Gayle Williams

    I feel like she sang the hell out of this song so what's the big deal if u don't like the way she sung it then get the hell off her page and just leave It like that nobody wants to hear your negative ass comments

  • Katherine Michelle

    Am I the only one who thinks this cover is actually good. Unique. Has a lot of emotion in it. Sorry, maybe because I'm a theatre person..

  • kalikas0ng

    Hahaha I was reading the comments and seriously you can tell who's who. People who don't have a knowledge in music keep on bashing her saying she doesnt have the VOICE for this song, saying this is too powerful and emotional. Hell, did you hear what you just said? Omg people nowadays they dont appreciate REAL MUSIC. Nicole did a great job guys. She sang it with her own style and as a performer who knows what singing and music is, I felt goosebumps. She's theatrical. Im so pissed Coz you know what people? This is how you sing. You put emotions to it. You put your heart to the song. You dont just sing it. Gosh, thats what you get for singing along with songs about sex, fame, vanity and justin bieber. -.-

  • The Benjamin Banks

    Lol because I hate her version you think I'm a Sam smith fan? Maybe I just really hate her version. Yeah she made it her own alright and really shitty as well. I never said she is a bad singer I said her version sucks. I actually like the Boyce avenue version better than the Sam smith version. I think you're one of those die hard fans of hers that is butt hurt and defending her even though you and everyone else knows her version of this song sucks.

  • Seohyunatic

    What I loved about this, aside from Nicole's voice, was that, she sang it in her own style to which turned out to be more emotional and powerful. I mean, Sam's version had the same emotions and stuff but DAMN! This is too beautiful <3

  • Cora Todd

    This is embarrassing. She judges contestants on the X Factor, when they are all frankly better than her, yet she drowns in fame and fortune

  • Mele Juntz

    when it started i was like…okay its alright….. from the chorus to the end I wanted to cry like a damn baby AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!!