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  • AlphaOmegaSin

    Celebrate the life and legacy of Satoru Iwata and play some of the many games he had direct involvement with. He's brought us years of great games and fun and we should appreciate what he afforded us.

  • DarkKuroNeko

    R.I.PSatoru Iwata, Thanks for making Nintendo as big as it is now.
    "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."
    – Satoru Iwata 1959-2015

  • Woodman Kaelan

    Well.. what does this mean now for Nintendo?

    Also, a bile duct growth.. How long has he had this? Is this something that just suddenly appeared and he died from? Find this hard to believe tbh..

  • DarkAura19

    EDIT: (Extreme venom below, I apoligize for being so brash. However, I still feel some truth to it, so I'm not outright deleting it.)

    Congrats guys. The last thing on this mans mind was how 20,000+ of you were petitioning to get a fucking SIDE GAME cancelled because you pussies can't just wait for the next real Metroid WHICH WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN AT SOME POINT ANYWAY.
    Seriously, I'm being venemous and I know it, but FUCK each and every one of you who bitched about this years e3. Yes, it was a weak as fuck presentation. But reacting the way you did to things as simple as a game WE HAVE SEEN ONLY ONE FUCKING TRAILER OF like it was an attack on your fucking childhood was pathetic. Just pathetic.
    Rest in Peace Iwata, sorry it couldn't come to you before you passed.

  • Awsomeness103

    For Stadium!
    For Earthbound!
    For Gold and Silver!!
    For Zelda, Kirby and Mario!!
    For Iwata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ike5639

    I guess what we can all learn from this is that we should always live life to the fullest. You never know if Death himself may be knocking on your door tomorrow. Satoru Iwata lived a full life. He made so many kids happy throughout the years, he helped made Nintendo the company it is today, and he even became one of the richest men in the world.
    Life is short and you should always make the best of it.
    May you rest in peace Satoru Iwata. You will be missed.

  • HighLevi

    I heard Iwata was an outstanding programmer. He ported game systems and mechanics all by himself if he needed too. I'm currently pursuing my associates in Computer Science getting buried under homework as I'm typing. I strive for Iwata's dedication to his craft.

    But the thing I love even more is how he can do so much but still be humble about it. Rather than being a show off.

  • Neko Yuki

    Ya know… For a while now, I've been wanting Iwata to step down along with some of the pencil pushers at Nintendo for their bad business decisions of late, bring in fresh blood and what not. But I didn't want it to happen this way…. Geeze…..


    I can't even…. this is the last string of my childhood being taken away from me.
    Iwata may have been screwing around with nintendo lately but he is still a legend. the gaming industry will be shaky for awhile.
    Everyone, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and even Sega and PC fans. put aside your hatred for a day and play a game Iwata was involved in. Celebrate the loss of a gaming hero. Like it or not he has influenced the gaming industry greatly and he should be respected by everyone who calls themself a gamer

  • The Neverending Twilight

    Always a man who could remain professional while also having such fun with his job. His antics birthed many an entertaining meme. Everything he did put a smile on my face. Whenever I saw him appear in a Nintendo Direct, it always put a smile on my face, knowing just how positive he was with everything he ever did. And now that he's gone, that smile is now a frown. Iwata-san will be missed. A large piece of gaming history has been lost forever. Good-bye and RIP.

    We bring our love and respect… directly… to you.

  • Papi2K

    I am saddened by this event, but also Pissed off by all the fake ass gamers out there talking shit.. Fuck all you haters… You should be grateful that this man maintained a balance within the gaming industry…

  • mechaart

    "I always admired his personal, easy to understand commentary on games in development in his Nintendo Direct. He was an inspiration as a leader of one of the most influential companies in the game industry, who used to make games himself and has always been a gamer. I had a couple of times I had conversations with him at some international industry events, he was always friendly and nice to talk with. I was dreaming someday to have an open exchange of Tweets or to be on a same panel session with him to talk about industry and games we play. I even tweeted when I was leaving for E3 this year with #iwatter as I saw he started tweeting Nintendo E3 news with the hashtag. I have always respected Nintendo's games, how they are super accessible and polished for everyone to play and enjoy, and I understand Iwata-san was one of the key individuals to have kept that high quality standard across all Nintendo titles. I just wish he will rest in peace. Thank you for all your work for the better game industry."

    Shuhei Yoshida