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  • Matthew Sarson

    Huckabee did a good job of coming across this time, he didnt mention any of his more offensive ideas like putting the bible back in schools

  • egyptian

    Great interview….we need more of this. Love or hate Huckabee, he came off as a decent and likable person in this interview.

    I wouldn't vote for him (I can't anyways since I'm Canadian) but he's still a good guy.

  • slm129

    This is why I love America. Here we have to men, with different point of view, and no body kills the other. I'm Saudi by the way and atheist as fuck.

  • Gail Young

    You people are brutal, just because Huckabee is religious, you all startcalling him fanatical and nutjob and start attacking the Bible.Seems to me with all the corruption in politics, and especially in this administration, it's rather refreshing to have someone who seems decent and honest for a change.

  • UncleMikeNJ

    In this interview, and in many other forums — or should that be "fora"? — Mike Huckabee sounds like a nice, intelligent, reasonable man.

    But since he began running for President again, he has gone out of his way to sound bigoted and insane.

    In 2012, we had the question, "Who is the real Mitt Romney?" It's time to ask, "Who is the real Mike Huckabee? Is it the affable minister and musician who can speak to anyone on their level? Or is it the guy who hates black people enough to support the Confederate flag, hates gay people enough to deny them the right to get married, and defends a statutory rapist simply because his daddy is a friend who speaks out against gays and abortion?"

  • ElsbridgeJunction91

    Mike Huckabee seems like a decent enough guy, not something I'd want to see as president, but at least he's not a Michelle Bachmann or Ted Cruz.

  • Greenboy28

    Huckabee is so full of shit acting like Christians are the ones who are being attacked or put upon. No huckster Christians aren't the ones under attack they are the ones attacking and forcing their views on everyone else.

  • hutch

    Whenever Huckabee appears on a liberal talk show, he completely tones down his rhetoric and pretends to be this "aw shucks" nice guy, cracking wise. The next day, he appears on a conservative talk show and he unleashes the hateful fire and brimstone. Fucking two-faced shyster.

  • toasteh

    Mike Huckabee: "Obamacare and gay marriage. That's enough, I'm moving to Canada". Canada already has public healthcare and legalized gay marriage in 2005. What a moron.

  • Enej Kelecija

    Mike Buckabee actually seems like an intelligent human being so how in the fugg does he still think the earth is 6000 years old