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    Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere,
    diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.

    Grouch Marx.

  • Goyim Liberator

    The government isn't just going to take free speech or guns away. They're going to manipulate the public opinion until the people want those things taken away from them. This is just one small portion of free speech they're working on getting rid of. After they ban the confederate flag for misogyny the people will be more willing to give up other types of free speech.


    Nothing wrong with that flag. Its people who misuse it that are the problem. – First its a flag…then its going to be banning and burning books….then its going to be banning movies like mel Brooks Blazing Saddles…then its going to be singling out anyone opposed to anything Blacks say or do…including riots and looting…then they will put a gold star on them and call them racists and take them away to camps. Regardless of skin color. Hasnt History taught anyone anything? Freedom of Speech is an inalienable right. Once you start picking and choosing..what is there left thats Free?

  • Paula Robertson

    The Flag didn't make that young man kill those innocent people. He made that chose to do that, and he wasn't holding the Confederate flag when he did his horrible killings. Put the blame where it goes, on the person who makes the chose to kill people

  • Grim FX

    Lol people know that black people will revolt if they don't get their way so now we have to please them by removing the confederate flag to avoid it. Fucking liberals. Just grab your guns, wave the flag and wait for the targets to come in to your sights. Remember if the opposers pose a threat, it's legal.

  • S. McCloy

    You could get rid of every confederate flag in every history book and 2,500 years from now there will be blacks complaining how their forefathers were slaves and even though their reparations were spent years ago they still are feeling the affects of slavery?
    My forefathers were slaves some were black most were IRISH and others were Native American we all got the short end of the stick at one time or another and we all had to deal with it.