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  • Brian Cui

    You are the first instructor that I have seen do the Turkish Getup similar to Dr. Mark Cheng. Thanks for the video.

  • thesupermom1975

    My kettlebell is a 50 lb. bag of feed or an 80 bale of hay. I guess my sprints would be chasing goats LOL! Lots of exercise to be had on a farm. Oh and a great hand muscle/forearm workout is milking goats!

  • Tania Newman

    I have just started working with a certified KB trainer and just learned the turkish get up which yes looks ridiculous but it worked every muscle group from head to toe I love kettlebells and the strength I am gaining as a result. Using your body's own inertia and core is what really gets you strong and fit not hours on a treadmill kettlebells are where it's at and if you aren't incorporating into your current routine you are missing out big time!

  • Jeffrey Hein

    Great video demonstration. As a former world class wrestler (in the 70's…ahhh!! I am getting old!) I remember how physically strong the communist block athletes were…the Russians had been training with the kettle bells already and they had phenomenal core strength. It has taken US athletes 30 years to realize how kettle bell training is a great addition to there training regimen. I was seriously injured over seas and thought I would have to give up training and instructing martial arts. In four months I have been using kettle bells for my physical rehabilitation and I have gone from unable to do any sports to being able to train and participate in martial arts, biking and mountaineering. Doing traditional weight training was doing nothing for me. Those that are haters have probably never been competitive or extreme athletes, so ignore the negative posts and get some videos made, I will be watching them! Thanks brother!!!!

  • Kiante Lemmie

    I'm Glad I Came Across This Video Before Using My Kettlebells! Great Video! If I May Ask, How Many Repetitions And Sets Am I Suppose To Do?

  • John Manoochehri

    This is helpful except for the fucking atrocious music.

    A sequence of lifts should not be soundtracked like a boxer's comeback movie.

  • Skyla Shanell

    I always see ppl working out with the KB. & I'm always curious and precautions to try. Thanks for the video!

    &I like how you respond to these nasty comments! :) Keepin it classy!