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  • Sergey Olshin

    Люди! Не ставьте импланты!!! Это всё лохотрон! :( Дождитесь новых технологий!!! Скоро можно будет выращивать собственные зубы во рту! Не торопитесь!!! Не тратьте огромные деньги. Тем более сейчас, когда курс доллара и евро взлетел до небес.

  • Jonathan Taylor

    Why is sharon hated on here so much? She's bloody hilarious. Oh if you call her mean..get a life. She's funny and honest.

  • Christina Rutherford

    I saw this episode when it aired, and when Sharon's lip got stuck with the glue, I laughed soooooo hard that my sides hurt so bad! I couldn't stop laughing. I was crying and my sides were aching. I couldn't see or breathe. I died of laughter. I love Sharon! Absolutely hilarious!!

  • roxanneworld11

    love sharon..i know about her crazy past situations but i still think she's awesome: elegant but she can also cuss out a deserving person when needed, lol! ….& you think that's bad? many moons ago when hair extensions were still fairly new in the west (we were still learning how to care for & properly maintain the various styes) i experienced a braid falling out – right in front of a guy! who was such a gentleman who pretended to not see it but we knew he did..my best friend & i started laughing so hard. it was devastating but hilarious at the same time. she tried to help by kicking it under the store counter but too late! ughh! :o0

  • Miranda Morgan

    Dear sharron,
    I'm a big fan . You are one of the most important women I admire the most . Keep up the good work. Cant wait for the next show .

  • Ricky Sandman

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