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  • ZeldaCraft14

    8: She is the spokeswoman for the GTA V radio station Non-Stop Pop. Yes that's right, anyone who has listened to that in-game radio station has probably heard, "Hey guys, Cara here." Or something like, "Cara here, the girl with the eyebrows". I'm not the only one, that I'm sure of.

  • Hiba Hashmi

    i dont see any facts about her being bisexual or lesbian thts what bought me here where is the fact? isnt she bi?

  • Jessica Martínez

    The most that surprised me was that she's 5'7", I was losing hope into becoming a model because that's my same height, now she gave me hope :')

  • Valeria Castro Brissolese

    and she's bisexual (or pansexual? im not really sure), just just not that its like super important, But it seems important if they are talking about her height and all that… Idk :3 I love Cara <3

  • Sonia Love

    Did her eyebrows make her famous?! If yes,then lets all together grow thick brows,maybe we will have a chance to shine in the celebrities world!

  • Talisker Scott Hunter

    This is disgusting, all this is is the rich getting richer and the poor following them on instagram. I just wish the world cared more about the environment, politics, science and society rather than the exploits of the Kardashians and skinny blond girl #367

  • Ashley R

    when you just tell facts about a person she seems like an avatar in a a game like "level 12! She also likes this" idk that's just my vibe

  • DJ Newt

    She is also from one of the most influential and powerful families in the UK, if not world. She is where she is in life and what she is due to her family and their multiple connections. She started off at the top based purely on her wealth, nepotism and corruption yet again.

  • Dittle Dee

    Thousands and thousands of models work SO hard and she just grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and grew up in a celebrity world. And that is why I don't like her. Not that im jealous – I dont want to be a model. Its just sad. And shes able to become a famous actress just because of her modelling? Thousands and thousands of actors and actresses try hard like models do and she just shoves them out of the way because daddy and mommy said so. "Life isn't fair"