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  • Ryan O'Neill

    Vin Scully is a pretty good commentator for being 87. Usually people that age have senilis maximus and have no idea what's going.

  • Spokker

    It's all fun and games but if Puig had played under billy martin he would have been benched right then and there.

  • BlueZone1978

    I can't believe San Diego Studios decided to put Puig as the cover for MLB 15: The Show. Should of been either Trout or Jeter.

  • ThePurpleDrankk

    Holy shit, this is absurd. The way you low life fucks comment on this video you would have thought Puig threw his fucking bat at the umpire and kicked the catcher in the face…seriously. Puig likes to have fun, Puig doesn't know American baseball, wait let me say that again, PUIG DOESNT KNOW AMERICAN BASEBALL. what does he know? How to play the game of baseball the Cuban way. If you took a Harlem globetrotter and put him in the NBA he would probably dribble circles around some of the NBA players but as soon as he gets the ball stolen what would everybody do? "Oh fuck him he sucks he doesn't know how to play" Puig thinks bat flips are cool and showing people up are cool and that was cool where he came from. Maybe if we realized that baseball is a world sport and not everybody plays by Embodies the MLB culture we would get somewhere. When the US goes to Japan to play every single Japanese play flips the bat and nobody has anything to say about it, you know why? They're playing their game in their county the way they were taught. Open your eyes people.

  • SRT Viper 51

    I can't stand puig or harper because they both are cocky, pompous, assholes but AT LEAST HARPER HUSTLES!

  • The YouTube Rays

    Puig is like David Ortiz. Thinks he is above the game becuase a few analysts like him and hit well in 2013