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  • Labour Dolly-Luvvie

    Europechose austerity while America chose a stimulus package. The american economy grew while we stagnated. Austerity is a proveneconomic and health failure.

  • Eton Scum

    Gloomy/Nigel Bury emanates from the British Virgin islands so do most of the cloned accounts….We all know who's website is "there too"

  • james morleyjmor

    the really annoying part is these parasites live a long time and continue to breed there seems no end to this evil farce .

  • conanwon1

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    Joined Jun 11, 2015
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    nwo cunts
    Country: United States Virgin Islands SAINTDONUK…FAKE ACCOUNT

  • Loopey ange

    We pay for 'the Royals' ….and actually, thinking about it – English Queen? Her Ancestry isn't even English! When was the last English Monarch to sit at the 'Throne' ? …..anyway – we pay for the royals, and yet have you ever visited Windsor Castle or The Tower of London? It's bloody EXPENSIVE!! Why isn't it FREE? After all, we pay for it….

    As much as I have a soft spot for William and Harry….the only Royal I ever felt had a connection and empathy for humanity, was their mother, Diana……I do think that Royalty should have disbanded ( is that the right term? ) a few years back. I think they've lost all credibility.
    They have Sandringham, and the Scottish Retreat ( can't think of the name? ) – they don't need Buck Pal and Windsor Castle. Let them have what they privately own, and for all the Royalists still left? Maybe bring them back once a year for a 'pomp and ceremony' little festival!

    Imagine how many council flats Buckingham Palace could accommodate? – far more useful than in its present state! Or maybe it could house all the thousands of homeless soldiers? HER soldiers?

  • pipecover

    Okay I'm retreating into my shell like gloomygoblin. I don't even give a damn about this shite any more. If my fellows voted in huge numbers for Margaret Thatcher, and are now keeping the tories in power, I guess I will just have to accept that. I'm retreating and joining the rest of you selfish bastards. I'm alright too, Jack! Fuck it. Show me the bodies. I still don't care. Ta

  • Labour Dolly-Luvvie

    It's freedom within the law which isn't freedom. We are becoming less free andmuch of England voted for it. Why anyone would want something resembling the Patriot Act is beyond me but then we always did like to be controlled, it's easier so we have to think less.

  • Labour Dolly-Luvvie

    Austerity is for everyone Mark and not just the poor. ( Many of the poorest people have been take out of tax altogether). Many Government departments are facing cuts and those workers are not poor. I would like to see Foreign Aid abolished and the money spent on our own people instead. It's time we looked after out own people for a change and put them first.

  • CorditeSpear

    like you say Mark, nothing changes, over the years. a supposed voting democracy, yet never have the poor majority had the power. proves what a scam elections are.