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  • Nova Lena

    What an exceptional woman she's turned out to be. She is someone who's entire identity was her looks. Yet she is so honest and reflective about the real meaning of beauty and being a real woman. That's the kind of grace and maturity that very few women achieve in this world of artifice and exploitation. I love the fact that she hasn't had any surgery or cosmetic procedures, and that she's not giving in to the asinine peer pressure to do so. I think she realizes that going in that direction would be far less rewarding in the long run. People who opt for that way of dealing with age often end up living a substandard existence where they become obsessed with every little wrinkle, crinkle and crease instead of trying to live and enjoy life on a higher level. Bo has chosen to fill her life with things that bring her happiness and contentment. She has created a place for herself when she can add to the world around her and try to make the world just a little bit better instead of focusing on herself and things that really don't matter. And it has paid off for her big time. She lives in a beautiful home, in a beautiful place and has a wonderful loving relationship with a man who thinks she's the greatest woman in the world…and she has achieved the kind of beauty that very few "Hollywood" women do. She is more beautiful today than she has ever been.
    Thank you so much for this story.

  • brn2wld

    Aging naturally and absolutely beautiful inside and out. I have a ton of respect for this lady. Wish more in Hollywood would have behaved like this.

  • raul sousa

    XUXA, HOJE, é a celebridade mais comentada da AMERICA LATINA; SÃO 60 MILHÕES de albuns e dvds vendidos no MUNDO; 40 MILHÕES de espectadores levados aos cinemas; 400 produtos lançados de 1982 até hoje; CASA DE FESTAS; GRIFE DE ROUPAS; 30 IMOVEIS; CONHECIDA NA RUSSIA, ITALIA, ARGENTINA, ESTADOS UNIDOS, CHINA, ISRAEL, ESPANHA, MEXICO etc; tem a maior EXPOSIÇÃO E VISIBILIDADE NA REDES SOCIAIS brazucas; ENFIM, A MUDANÇA PRA RECORD trouxe muitos milhoes pra XUXA. PARABENS, UNICO MITO DO BRASIL.