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  • GardenElsewhere

    in the unedited video the cop ask her why shes upset and she tells him then he get mad at her response and then gets more upset because she wont put out her cigarette. he then tells her to step out the car, he opens her door and attempts to pull her out. in what world is this ok for a minor traffic stop? i dont care how much you support the police you cant deny this cop was way out of line and should be in jail or at the very least fired.

  • Angelo

    Why is that reporter allowed to be on the alleged crime scene in that cell room? Aren't they supposed to be careful regarding collecting evidence material? After all, there's no use in doing a thorough investigation when everybody's touching all those items there. Those items may point out that foul play and someone else is involved, but they surely won't find usable evidence now.

  • Jeanne90275

    The officer didn't even give her a ticket, just a warning but this woman has to make it into a major confrontation. I don't know how she got hired at A&M; she's a thief and a drunk.

  • GardenElsewhere

    ive been in these situations a few times with cops. you feel powerless. cops are suppose to serve citizens. also when a person is in an authoritative position the onus is on them to calm the situation and/or walk away after the job is done. in the original video he claimed to only be giving her a warning, so when he saw she was upset why didnt he just give her the siltation and move on? why did he provoke an angry reaction out her? why did it matter that she was smoking a cigarette? since when is a traffic stop grounds to be removed from your vehicle? what law did she break to be arrested? these are very simple questions….yet there are still people defending the cop

  • Richard Sanchez

    Sad that she killed herself. Why she did, we will never know. The claim that "she would never do this" seems natural coming from her family. Having said that, the video seems to start when the officer asked her to get out of the car and not what happened from the start. I don't know why the media is fueling a race divide but it is clear to me that they took this suicide and twisted into possible murder for ratings and profits.

  • Black King White Queen

    I'm not bashing or blaming her, I'm simply describing her actions! In what I saw! and like a typical black woman, instead of just complying and doing what the officer said! She proceeded to get loud and belligerent! my mother always told me someone's mouth can get them put in an early grave! This is a prime example! spear me with the crap about it only being a traffic signal, or a moving violation, the fact still remains! If an officer gives you an order you comply! same thing with the loud mouth hood rat at the pool party in Texas! Instead of just listening to the officer, she gets loud in belligerent! people saying this would have happened if you was a white or Hispanic woman correct! Because they would have just been polite and complied,

  • Marc P.

    I am a truck driver and in one instance i was pulled over and given a ticket for no reason knowing 100% the cop was wrong. he was only expecting me to pay it and shut up, I didn't mouth off to him or fight him. Instead i went to court where lo and behold i won and didn't pay a dime.

  • disturbed3330

    I will be the news today YESTERDAY 7 BLACK MEN IN GA BROKE INTO A 70YR MANS HOUSE ROBBED AN KILLED HIM theres u some news not some mouthy black women got herself arrested an then couldnt handle what she got herself into

  • Esteban Aguirre

    Cnn doesn't show the moments that lead to the confrontation. Biased BS like every other news channel. I'll keep looking for the full video. I'd rather not be brainwashed by CNN

  • Marc P.

    When are these moon crickets going to learn that arguing and fighting the cops isn't going to get them anything but trouble. Comply to lawful orders (everything that cop did was lawful) and move on with your life.


    Funny how they don't show the beginning of this video where she sat In the car and refused orders. That is why she was extracted from the vehicle. As for her death? Tragic suicide. Obviously she was mentally unstable.