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  • Zero Regen

    I like meta humor as much as the next guy, but there's an unnecessary amount of cussing. I get it's an R, but people don't throw "fucking" around that much.

  • Tici Toty Tony

    I never laughed that hard before in my fucking life

    Omg Deadpool trailer was just perfect like i can't really explain how delicious it was

    Bring on the Chimichangas!!!!!!!!!

  • J Wizard Phoenix

    It is not and never will on the same level as the BvS trailer but this trailer was awesome! It starts out serious as shit and then basically turns it's head around and tells you it's really funny. Great action, fantastic humor, and there is an amazing Green Lantern reference.

  • Bruce

    Loved the trailer! And who cares who won Comic Con?! Why you people arguing over this. The Batman V Superman trailer great too. Loved it. Forget about all this who won nonsense. Just be happy with all the stuff we got. Thanks WB, Fox, Disney!!

  • CCScorseseVideos

    Perfect timing…because it JUST LEAKED https://vid.me/DVtz
    MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIE OF ALL TIME! Been on board with this movie since it was 1st announced in 2009, to the leaked script in 2010, to the revival of the project last year. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!

  • DamienNightwing

    DEADPOOL is so overrated. Sorry…this is lame. So Ryan Reynolds is garbage in everything right…unless he is DEADPOOL??? lol lame. MARVEL SHEEP are so brain damaged. Oh wow….he swears…..lame!!!!!!!!!!! Marvel is for kids. DC is for smart adults.

  • Matt Sobczak

    After seeing the trailer I think people are kind of over exaggerating in terms of how good the trailer really is. People are putting in their headlines that Deadpool has won Comic Con, and even Cody here is saying it is arguably the best trailer he has ever seen. Like did I watch the same trailer? It was good but it was just good

  • ikamts2

    "Don't make the suit green, or animated" that just wins comic-con no doubt. BvS trailer was amazing but we except that with freaking batman and superman and wonderwoman in a movie. Deadpool did a better job creating hype IMO

  • Retro bats

    Saw the trailer. Jokes didn't land for me… but that's just me.
    I feel like its too over the top, and I expected more witty profanity than just saying the first combination of swears that comes to mind.
    Dug the action though.

  • Nathan Holstrom

    Don't make the suit green… or animated!!! Hahahahahahhahahaha…. great rip on that horrible Green Lantern movie he was in!!!

  • TheGreatOne313

    While people talk about Marvel movies vs DC movies, Fox will be putting out some quality movies that mixes both seriousness and fun