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  • Jessica Stewart

    His voice has matured in a beautiful way. I love when musicians get older and start to write from their longer life experience. It's as if some of the superfluous elements are shed and they streamline their sound. Beautiful.

  • drinkingpoolwater

    I wanna share a death cab story, back in early 2005 I bought Plans on a whim thinking that maybe I'd like it. after wearing it out by listening to it non stop I bought every album they ever made knowing that they were musical geniuses. they create an entire atmosphere in their sound. it's nostalgia, beauty, love, loss, and melancholy wrapped up in some of the soothing melodies ever created. it takes me back to some of the best days of my life and I am grateful to have a vehicle to reach them whenever I need to feel like that again. peace and love, people. update: these 4 songs here are so timeless. gives me shivers thinking of time, space, love, loss, the future, the past, and all the mysterious things we still haven't figured out about the people and situations in our lives.

  • musicisbrilliant

    NPR, THIS is why I LOVE you: Bands ALWAYS sound way different here playing "tiny desk concerts"!!!! And…. Its always WAY better in my opinion! WAY more intimate and just more personal and emotional and I LOVE what youve got going on. Bob Boilin and all others involved… YOURE BEAUTIFUL people and I love you guys (along will all the other huge, huge fans). So I wanted to thank you and encourage you NEVER TO STOP. Keep it up!!!!!! Bands music truly NEVER sounds as good ANYwhere else!

  • TheOathtoOrder

    The whole concept of Kintsugi is beautiful. We are all broken. Put the pieces back together with gold; don't hide the scars. I've always been a DCfC fan, but this record WOW gives me goosebumps. Ben is beautiful songwriter and gentle soul.

  • Mike C

    These four songs, when listened together in this sequence, are an incredibly beautiful narrative of losing love, going through the rebuilding process, and encountering something even more beautiful. Gibbard is a genius.

  • musicisbrilliant

    Hey everyone…. FUCK. I love this!!!!!!!! I was NEVER a deathcab for cutie fan until seeing this! And not right away mind you. Its been a couple of months, I just came back to it because of a "notification" and LOVE IT. Really great. Can anyone recommend their best albums??

  • Amber Garcia

    I wish they would've sung "I will follow you in the dark" I think that's what it's called. But still so good