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  • Torsten Kleinz

    Donald Trump ist immer für Witze gut, aber wenn man ihm mal selbst zuhört, statt seine Clips bei Jon Stewart anzusehen, ist es ein wenig beängstigend. Dieser kaum verholene Rassismus, die Ressentiments und der Opportunismus, der Egotrip und das Toupet.

    Die Zwischenrufe, die den Kandidaten Donald Trump anstacheln, und die er mit einem "You are right" dankbar quittiert, lassen sich kaum alleine mit dem Lightbier-Konsum der USA erklären. Sie sind trunken vor Trump und Dummheit.


  • lion575

    A 5 billion dollar website – that I could have done (including staff, Insurance consultants, equipment, etc …. ) for under a million in less than a year. And yes I make banking software for a living …. so yes I know what I'm talking about.

  • Scruffy Scrubs

    Thanks to Obama….ISIS is taking over. The correct thing to have been done was to send in MORE…lots more troops into Iraq to secure Iraq. Plus…of course…we know now that Obama was funding and supplying ISIS in Syria.

  • Ms. Jayne

    vote for him I am canadian and he is the person to get the job done, put up a proper border, tax mexico and bring jobs home. repair the infrastructure because I got to tell you it is terrible in the usa. you need a common sense guy with the energy for change. I think he is right strengthen the military to protect the american people. Look after the men and women who have fought for your freedom when they come home with broken limbs. No one will do this he is a person that will do what he says he will do do not make the same mistake as the last time promises that have not been kept. There is more to being a president than golf and sitting down with a beer to settle a dispute. Think about it he is the best you have.

  • Steve Pohlit

    Refreshing – a man who has demonstrated success and has no hidden agenda. Now the people who are against him have never studied him, maybe have watched him on TV, maybe know something about his wealth, probably do not know anything about his children So all those commenting with one or two negative words would be well served to take a closer look and then if you still conclude you do not agree with him be clear on exactly what you don't agree with. I found nothing in his announcement that I disagree with. I am very happy with this announcement.

  • DaveyMurray1

    Based on how bad Obama and Busch were. I have the mindset of…what the hell. Let's give Trump a shot. xD

  • Monday Promises

    I've NEVER supported ANY presidential candidate in my entire life and I'm 27 years old. I've NEVER wanted to vote because honestly any party running is like choosing between the lesser of two evils. The racist rhetoric in these comments is despicable and I guarantee will be used by Trump OPPONENTS because this is a "Rich White Male" who believes in the Sovereignty and the GREATNESS that this country NEEDS and IS CAPABLE OF. None of the candidates running will RESTORE AMERICA to what she once was! Thank you Donald Trump for giving me HOPE in this country for the VERY first time in my life! I support you! Trump '16!

  • Tony K.

    This was hilarious.
    All you guys need now is for Phil Davison, the loon-quack from Ohio, to join him as his running mate.
    Can you imagine?
    Jon Stewart would probably come out of retirement and foreign leaders would be too scared to even attempt making diplomatic visits to the USA.
    The oval office could also conceivably be converted into a set for a Trump White House reality show with every current staff member being brought in to get fired by him live on the air (including Obama).
    Everyone gets to be a star.
    But seriously, from a pure business experience perspective, it is frightening that Trump might actually be the most skilled of the whole bunch that are in the running this time around.
    As for how effective anything else in his prospective presidential bag of tricks might be given his 69 years of age, that could very well be like rolling the dice in Las Vegas.
    Only in America…