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  • Daniel Lindsey

    Look, McCain is HATED by Vietnam vets as well as vets in general! Trump has brought the Vets to the forefront and will help them more than ANY other candidate FACT!! Go Trump 2016!!!

  • not PC

    Of course everyone is going to pile on because they are getting the crap beaten out of them. Every politician feels threatened by Trump. They're afraid he will upset the good old boys club, career politicians are only concerned for themselves and most are crooks. The thing they feer most is his wealth, knowing he needs know one's financial backing to succeed and that scares he hell out of them.

  • WhiskeySlim

    Funny how news journalists think they've outsmarted Donald Trump. Have you ever heard the old saying,"You can't snow the Snowman"? Nice try, ABC.
    Trump 2016

  • duncan7599

    The reality is that John McShame is not a war hero. He is nothing but a old demented war monger and Donald Trump is just trolling the GOP.

  • oliver townsin

    Donald Trump has a record of helping are vets john mccain has a record of sendeing people to war mccain is a neocon warhawk not a warhero

  • Jim Snape

    Here are a few sample titles from progressive outposts like DailyKos and Democratic Underground.

    John McCain Is NOT a 'War Hero'

    John McCain American Hero?

    It's Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A "Hero"

    They recite most of the same talking points that were part of the Obama whispering campaign against him back in '08.

    Then again there was the Chris Rock joke, "He a war hero that got captured. There's a lot of guys in jail that got captured. Sh*t, f**k that. I don't want to vote for nobody that got captured. I wanna vote for the mothe__ that got away."

    The origin of Trump's line turns out to be Chris Rock. But don't expect the media to acknowledge that.

    Dems used cleaner versions of this as attacks back in '08.

    "Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president," Wesley Clark said.

    Rand Beers, Sen. John Kerry’s, D-Mass., top national security adviser during his 2004 presidential run, said that because McCain was in an unfortunate state of “isolation” during much of the Vietnam War, his national security experience is “sadly limited.”

    Beers said the McCain limitations are reflected in “some of the ways he thinks about the ways in which US forces might be committed to conflicts around the world.”


    But the media has only loved McCain when it can use him to sell its narrative about Republicans. The moment he's an obstacle, it gives him both barrels. And so the same people who mocked McCain and Bob Dole's disabilities suddenly pretended to be outraged on McCain's behalf. Much like outrage over sexism, it's highly selective.

  • TheGor54

    What McCain has done for veterans…I don't know? But I don't care what TRUMP says about McCain..He knows McCain personally. I surely don't.

  • Hummingbird West

    Wrong! He was not talking about veterans. He was punching, RINO, McCain. Actually, McCain is very nasty and should retire. Everybody envies Donald Trump. Let's get it straight!

  • codematrix

    The MSM attacks on Trump are back firing on them. The general public can read through the BS spin being spit out by these dickheads.