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  • Danika Rachael Greene

    <3 <3 <3
    One of those songs you have got to listen to with your headphones in the dark, in a pitch black atmosphere, AC turned up, thick duvet wrapped around your body, completely isolated from the real world, nothing floating around you, not even the soft closing of the door, or the quiet padding down the stairs of someone's feet going down to get some water at 2am, just Ed's music.
    There is nothing you are able to hear but his heavenly voice and music. Concentrate and distinguish the beautiful bass notes in the background.

  • FearlessStar1000

    My Life Story:
    I was once a tomato. Now I'm a potato. It's been incredibly hard and I've been through so much, but I'm getting a lot better now. I just wanna thank a God for helping me through this rough time for me an my family. I inspire to be a tomato again one day :)

  • Lucia Piccinini

    ALL OF THE STARS: Todas As Estrelas

    É só mais uma noite
    E eu estou encarando a lua
    Vi uma estrela cadente e pensei em você
    Cantei uma canção de ninar na beira d'água e soube se você estivesse aqui, cantaria para você
    Você está do outro lado do mundo
    E a linha do horizonte se divide milhas distante de poder te ver
    Eu posso ver as estrelas da América
    Eu me pergunto. Será que você as vê também?
    Então abra seus olhos e veja os nossos horizontes se encontrando e todas as luzes irão te guiar pela noite, comigo
    E eu sei que essas cicatrizes irão sangrar, mas os nossos corações acreditam que todas as estrelas irão nos guiar para casa.
    Eu posso ouvir seu coração pelo rádio, ele bate, eles tocam " Chasing Cara" e eu pensei em nós
    De volta ao tempo em que você se deitava ao meu lado
    Eu olhei para o lado e me apaixonei
    Então, eu peguei a sua mão e pelas ruas, eu soube tudo me levava de volta à você
    Você pode ver as estrelas de Amsterdã e ouvir a canção que bate no meu coração?
    Então abra seus olhos e veja os nossos horizontes se encontrando e todas as luzes irão te guiar pela noite. Comigo
    Eu sei que essas cicatrizes irão sangrar mas os nossos corações acreditam que todas as estrelas irão nos guiar para casa.
    Espero que gostem da tradução!!

  • Laura Moore

    Finally decided to read this book. I have the song paused at five seconds and I'll listen to it after I'm done with reading it.

  • Tiber Septim

    Everyone is sharing their life stories so…

    I love potatoes. There fucking good. Mashed, chopped, fried, or in stew. I will always love you bby. I love you Potato. <3

  • Gezim Qendro

    I am a girl from a very little country and i wanted to tell you about one girl in this little country in the same class as me. Her name is Jessie. When i just met her, i thought she was the man of the class, strong. But as i learnt, you got to go through something to know people better. Two months ago, her last alive grandpa died. I heard her crying a lot. After all, who wouldnt? She went through a lot. Cried in the rain, wrote her grandpas name on the snow, kissed his photos, so…that was an opportunity for me to become friends with her. We chatted on whats app. I told her to calm down, that her grandpa still loved her…so she liked me as her bff. Since then i started thinking about how destroyed all these people are, that try to find some love in songs, because their beloved died. Just like Jessie. I said this because i know she needs a bit of care right now in these hard moments of her life. Please care guys. She is not the only one that needs it. I took a specific person, but that speaks in the name of everyone. Thank you for your time.

  • Sonia Araujo

    É só mais uma noite
    E eu estou encarando a lua
    Vi uma estrela cadente e pensei em você

    Cantei uma canção de ninar na beira d'água e soube
    Se você estivesse aqui, cantaria para você

    Você está do outro lado do mundo
    E a linha do horizonte se divide
    Milhas distante de poder te ver

    Eu posso ver as estrelas da América
    Eu me pergunto, será que você as vê também?

    Então abra seus olhos e veja
    Os nossos horizontes se encontrando
    E todas as luzes irão te guiar
    Pela noite, comigo

    E eu sei que essas cicatrizes irão sangrar
    Mas os nossos corações acreditam
    Que todas as estrelas irão nos guiar para casa

    Eu posso ouvir seu coração
    Pelo rádio, ele bate
    Eles tocaram "Chasing Cars" e eu pensei em nós

    De volta ao tempo em que você se deitava ao meu lado
    Eu olhei para o lado e me apaixonei

    Então, eu peguei a sua mão
    E pelas ruas, eu soube
    Tudo me levava de volta à você

    Você pode ver as estrelas
    De Amsterdã
    E ouvir a canção que bate no meu coração?

    Então abra seus olhos e veja
    Os nossos horizontes se encontrando
    E todas as luzes irão te guiar
    Pela noite, comigo

    E eu sei que essas cicatrizes irão sangrar
    Mas os nossos corações acreditam
    Que todas as estrelas irão nos guiar para casa

    Eu posso ver as estrelas da América.

    Ed Sheeran / Todas as Estrelas (All Of The Stars)

  • Claudia Hood

    So open your eyes and see
    The way our horizons meet
    And all of the lights will lead
    Into the night with me
    And I know these scars will bleed
    But both of our hearts believe
    All of these stars will guide us home

  • ThatGirlAshlee

    1 Month Ago I Lost My Best Friend, Violet. She had lung cancer like Hazel Grace. I have known Violet since 1st grade. Inseparable ever since. We would sneak out at night to just go to the park and swing on the swings together. It was a tradition. In 5th grade her mom called my house phone and I answered. She was in tears. Saying Vi has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer and they don't know how much longer she has.

    She fought for so long. I stayed by her side until she got too sick and I couldn't see her anymore. I would always make sure to call her and text her too make sure she knows that I love her and she can get through it.

    Around 3 years later when I called to say goodnight and I love her, her mom picked up and I knew. I broke down in tears and my world came crumbling down.

    We thought she had passed from the cancer stopping her beautiful and loving heart.

    As we were gathering her things out of the ICU like her books and magazines and all the gifts she had received I found a letter.
    It was from Vi. It said

    I know you will be the one to find this because you know where I hide my notebook and all my pieces of work.
    I did not die of the cancer. I simply could not take this anymore. I could not take the people judging me and pitying me just because of my illness. I also could not take the hate or mean words from people who think I'm a disgrace and should just die.
    Well they got their wish
    Just know I love you very much

    All the love,

    I broke down and hid the letter. I have only shown her mother and mine.
    This song and the fault in our stars gets me through this. Knowing that it will be okay and can get through it.

  • Abby Trotter

    My friend from my school district was in 7th grade and she just committed suicide on Tuesday because of bullying. This song helps me very very much, thank you Ed <3