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  • Joe Smith

    There once was a thug named Brown
    Who bum-rushed a cop with a frown
    Six bullets later
    He met his creator
    Then his homies burnt the town down

  • Ramiro Munoz

    Damn man sometimes you take things to far like the race thing but other than that I agree with you 100 percent and thanks for the daily videos

  • newsunit

    Did you notice the police chief said the situation is untenable and they need the help of the community on this one. The community needs to come together now in Ferguson and work together for the common good.

  • oxygeninterface

    a lot of them do understand the facts… perfectly. they just refuse to acknowledge them because it doesn't undergird their paradigm of victimhood and their narcissistic prejudices.

  • Richard Hamilton

    You talk a lot of shit like most white fuckz but it's ok in do time you will get yours. Never seen you out talking to the black communities cause your ass would get handed back in peaces

  • bb lang

    These lo life losers will never be at peace! More more more it's what they think they are entitled to! WTF? How long before the bottom will fall out?white people cannot pay for All these losers forever! Before it was mainly the Black Beauty's …but now you've got All these Beaners OBOZO is bringing into this country…..IT WONT BE LONG FOLKS…….SAY GOOD BYE….OR …ADIOS

  • Jake M

    Hey mark,

    Doesnt the San Diego Sheriff Department issue conceal carry permits without cause? Even if they don't, death threats will enable you to fast track the process.

  • criss joseph

    whats the point spending hours researching conspiracies if u dont have Jesus??? Dont believe in Jesus ?? then go to my channel !!!

  • 2Much4TheseBitches

    I thought you were anti government and anti cop and anti authority sheep mentality. It's the government and the police that give the feminists all their power, why would you be on their side? You changed man

  • YouAreOneOfUs

    Promoting wild conspiracy theories Mark? Did you see the Brown Incident for yourself or are you listening to distorted stories from distorted sources ,no matter what side you want to believe.
    What I believe is Cops are Criminals. I know ,I had them break my door down and dislocate my shoulder. Then they realized they had the wrong house and threatened my life if I ever did anything about it.
    I also know if a cop is so afraid or so undertrained that he has to empty his gun into an Unarmed American Citizen ,regardless if his name is Hitler ,then he is a Murderer.
    It's not normal for a "Thug" to rush a Cop for no reason. The cop was in his car and if he is to inept to just drive away ,call for back up and wait to arrest someone ,he shouldn't have a gun.
    Mark ,you didn't witness it and you ignore the facts that are not in question. I believe 99% of what you say but when I see you being so blindly wrong on this topic it makes me stop and question your ability to use common sense.

  • Cactus Smoke

    Calling the personal rabid animal and comparing the group to dogs is probably not a good idea. I don't know if you're just trying to be provocative but that's the kind of things that members of the KKK refer to minorities as. Don't get me wrong I understand your point but you are coming across as racist, which doesn't help your argument. The person that fired on police is a bad actor plain and simple I mean you can call them a terrible human being and that's just fine. But referring to rabid animal dogs is not just politically incorrect which would be fine it sounds pretty fucking racist. just being honest Mark. I'm white and that's certainly how it came across to me.

    hyperbole sensationalism and possible racism aside I think you should be careful with your words and choose them wisely.