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  • maxx1000

    Meghan McCain had balls to stand up to her father regarding LGBT issues…
    … Scott's sons just play with theirs.

  • Jon in Canada

    Sorry boys but, there's an old saying that rings true and it most certainly would pertain to you: "Evil succeeds when good men do nothing." Your father is a danger, a real, tangible danger, to LGBT and Unionized citizens of your country. That you would stand by and allow him to commit acts of violence, both figurative and literal, all while paying lip service to the idea of "disagreeing with him" is not only offensive intellectually, it's cowardice.

  • Pksoze

    I really don't care that the man sings karaoke…I do care that he is schill for the Koch brothers and you didn't even cover that.

  • hbfarker

    The sons shouldn't respect their father's opinion on gay rights (marriage equality). The problem is, the father doesn't just have an opinion, he has the political power to enshrine that opinion into law — harming gay Americans in the process. That's nothing to respect. The fact that they willingly support his campaign really shows a lack of character on their part. Would they still be supporting their father if he were denigrating African-Americans, and trying to pass laws that harm them? Doubtful.

  • Todd Smith

    Scott Walker will not get a nod or approval from me. The Republicans demanded a birth certificate and proof that President Obama graduated from college. Scott Walker should be held to the same standard. Since he doesn't have a college degree he should not be allowed to run for President. (Having a college degree doesn't matter. It's just the standard.)

    If he had been a minority or a female and did not have a college degree, he would not had even got pass first base. It's nothing but a DOUBLE STANDARD. How in the @#$% did he even get this far in his political career?

    I hope this question arise throughout the debates? I would love to here his response…

  • Tony Tiger

    he does it for his kids matt and alex.. but just doesnt listen to em?? really? uh… someone smell bull5h1t?

  • Claude Jacques Bonhomme

    There is loyalty, and then there is this: condoning hate, and destruction of the state's fiscal and political health. This is a fail for the Walker boys. You SHOULD try and change his mind, if you feel strongly about what you believe.

  • JoshRimer

    How is it not obvious that marriage equality is inevitable? Look at the younger generation… they're for it. Why work so hard to delay it if even your own kids say they're behind it? The writing it on the wall!

  • matt k

    Fuck the Unions, they overpay assholes to do less so the rest of the countries workers don't get shit. Scott Walker is looking like a real good choice.

  • dsimpki

    Hey, Matt and Alex. Why don't you smack the Ol' Man up the side of the head real hard, 'n see if you can knock some sense into him…