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  • Maki Boyd

    LMAO. If I want to be called the N-Word repeatedly, I would just go and play COD online for a couple of hours.

  • SubliminalOrigami

    As long as they start sacking black celebrities who used 'cracker' then its ok. But if they're only going to target white people for using racial slurs then they're just being racist themselves.

  • Kali West

    As a kid I loved the Hulk, I was a Hulkamaniac, now I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, DAMN! Hulk Hogan FIRED by WWE As N-Word Scandal Erupts.

  • Alex MacPherson

    I am waiting for the day when Black rappers and Comedians are fired for using the N word too. Oh that's right……I forgot, Black people are ALLOWED to say it, and white people are fired for saying it! HMMMM That's doesn't sound like a fucking double standard at all!!! I guess because I want equality I must be a racist too right?

  • A SH

    I'm so bored of such "scandals" it's either NO ONE uses the N word or everyone is allowed to use it. This whole "only a black person can use it" is, if u think about it, racist! Enough. It doesn't mean what it did back then! How it's like calling someone a bitch. It doesn't have the same connotation. So seriously this is getting too much America

  • Sheppy99

    Holy fuck, who cares. I'm sure black people call us crackers behind closed doors all day long. Who the fuck cares. People should be allowed to have some privacy without one comment dictating their entire identity. I'm sure every person commenting on here has said something they regret in private that they wouldn't want braodcast to the whole world.

    But it's not the WWE's fault for letting him go. In the new liberal crazed society, you have to distance yourself immediately from anyone who says any remarks against liberal ideology. Christ, A&E almost cancelled their cash cow redneck duck diaries when the head redneck said some homophobic shit. Wow…… you mean to tell me a redneck didn't have progressive thoughts on the GBLT community? Shocking!! Like grow the fuck up people. All of us have had moments we aren't proud of at one time or another in our lives. The only difference is you're not famous so nobody gives a shit about your indiscretions

  • King Arthur

    Nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes…he was making these comments in his home…he never expected them to become public