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  • drake i

    The three Western religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam ALL come from the same source and they ALL teach hatred of someone. Few (if any) other cultures are as homophobic (and anti-woman) as the "Big Three”. The early Jews were nothing more than bloodthirsty sand bandits. Christians of the "Dark Ages" launched blood-soaked campaigns of conquest. And the Muslims of today (need I say more?)

    Western religion is grounded in racism, bigotry, sexism, baby killing and various other forms of hateful prejudice and violence. (If you don't know this, you have never read the Bible.) Even those who claim to be "Christians" today are overflowing with a deep-seated contempt for anyone "not like them." They try to absolve themselves from this hatred by making such asinine statements like, "I don't hate gays. GOD hates gays." Really? Your god of "perfect love" is still a despicable, lowlife creature capable of HATE? That really is pathetic. But then, religion in general is pretty pathetic.

    The United States of America, where "all men are created equal" is still one of the most backward, ignorant and bigoted countries on Earth. And it's the glaring hypocrisy of our claim to social and political superiority that makes it such. Homosexuality HAS NEVER and WILL NEVER be a threat to any "civilization". Truly "civilized" people wouldn't have a problem with it. It's only in this country (and any country dominated by superstitious, voodoo peddling right wing nuts) that demonizes LGBT persons.

    So come on, all you Jesus-loving, so-called "Christians". Wave your Bibles and KEEP HATE ALIVE! (It’s the “Christian” thing to do!)

  • drake i

    If I owned a T-shirt printing shop and somebody came in and wanted a shirt that said "F*** Jesus Up the A** with a Corncob!" I would refuse to do it. I'm certain there are plenty of shops that WOULD do it, and that's fine. Everybody has to draw their own lines and limitations. That said, I wish I DID have a bakery. I would LOVE to bake cakes for the LGBT community. The difference? A shirt that says "F*** Jesus" conveys hate; whereas a wedding cake is a symbol of love (something that Jesus was pretty big on). Why is this so difficult for some people to comprehend?

  • SynchroTotal

    Your "feelings" about gay marriage equality are inconsequential. Nobody is asking your consent in the matter. Should you be consulted? If so, why? You are free to have strict religious standards (for yourself), but those views don't matter to the laws of the land. Equality is as good as you'll get, even if you begrudge it to "certain groups". Bigotry just isn't a winning position to defend these days. If that bothers you, it's your problem, nobody else's.

  • drake i

    You think ISIS is pure evil? You think God is pro-life? Let's see what the Bible god told his “chosen people” to do to their enemies:

    "And Moses said unto them, ‘Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But of the virgin girl children you may keep these for yourselves.’” Numbers 31:17

    Samuel also said unto Saul, "…slay both man and woman, infant and suckling." 1 Samuel 15:1-3

    "Their pregnant women shall be ripped up!" Hosea 13:16

    “A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the LORD’s work! A curse on anyone who keeps their sword from bloodshed!” Jeremiah 48:10

    Nothing much changes, does it? RELIGION is the root of all evil.

  • Frederick Wilson II

    Let's hope Jon Stewart was right when he said this about the oral arguments we heard this week on gay marriage in front of the Supreme Court.

    STEWART: Bottom line is this. If oral arguments have any impact on the final result, June's going to be a nice time for a gay wedding.

    Amen to that. Stewart started off his show this Wednesday by going after the wingnuts on the Supreme Court and former solicitor general of Michigan John Bursch, and the extremely lame arguments we heard from them against the issue of same-sex marriage.

    Jon Stewart schools Justices Roberts and Alito: ‘Marriage has almost never not been changing’:

    Jon Stewart threw his own oral arguments at both Chief Justice John Roberts and the “anti-gay cray-cray” contingent on Wednesday’s Daily Show, puncturing the rhetoric the Supreme Court heard on Tuesday against same-sex marriages.

    “The institution of marriage has almost never not been changing,” Stewart said in response to Roberts. “Before the last century, marriage wasn’t one man and one woman; it was one man and his piece of vagina property. Change can be good.”

    Stewart also knocked down Justice Samuel Alito’s suggestion that letting same-sex couples marry would open the door to polygamy.

    “Why should gay people have to account for anyone who’s ever going to want to get married after they get the right to marry?” the host asked. “When women fought for suffrage, no one was like, ‘What if one day a dog wants to vote, how ’bout that ladies?'”

    The high court heard arguments on Tuesday concerning marriage equality bans in four states, with the case for the states being made by former solicitor general of Michigan John Bursch. Stewart poked fun at Bursch’s youthful appearance while giving him a backhanded compliment for arguing that legalizing same-sex marriage could cause “long-term harms to our country and to our fundamental interest to govern themselves.”

    Stewart also highlighted the arguments made by Justices Ginsburg and Kagan who did a wonderful job of knocking down Bursch and his attempt to pretend that marriage is all about having children and whether or not those who either don't intend to have kids or are too old to have any shouldn't be allowed to marry.

    The Washington Post has the entire transcript of the hearing up for anyone who is interested in following the issue more closely: Supreme Court hears same-sex marriage case: Who said what (with audio)

  • classicjukebox

    I would like to hear from ONE homosexual couple who got married who did not fornicate before the marriage. Homosexuals are sex addicts to the point that it changes their entire demeanor. Homosexuals are necessarily anti-Christian also, and anti Bible. They are anti-morality. When have I ever heard a homosexual condemn the depravity of Mardi Gras and clubs in San Francisco? THESE PEOPLE ARE SEX ADDICTS—-UNFIT FOR PARENTING

  • drake i

    Christianity belongs on the same dusty shelf as Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse mythologies. Go to ANY of these more ancient texts and you will find talking animals, virgin births, half-god half-human offspring, plus numerous other "miracles". Nothing new to see here, folks. Move along.

  • drake i

    If you're going to use "religion" to condemn gays, then you must obey ALL the old Bible laws which include burning witches and harlots, stoning to death girls without hymens, and killing your neighbor for working on the Sabbath. Sorry folks, but you're not allowed to pick and choose the "laws" you want to follow!

  • debunker300

    I think anyone who lives in our society has a right to say what society should look like, Mr Stewart…sorry if that bothers you. Try not to cry while you deal with it. Marriage is a societal institution that has been around for a thousand years if not more….it has always been defined as the union of one man and one woman. Why should this definition be changed simply because a tiny minority of people engaged in an alternative sexual lifestyle want it to be changed? What's next, do we allow polygamists to redefine marriage as well?

  • Daniel Murray

    that was a terrible pro gay marriage argument. we should have equality, but why should a legal arrangement, an institution, based on male female relationships … be opened to all? are all american TV heads just puppets?

  • classicjukebox

    Anybody who condones the giving of orphan children to transvestites needs to be jailed for life. Those people need their OWN lives rewinded and put them in such madness for a home.
    homosexual is debauchery, unbridled lust, unnatural, and vile in the sight of God. Always has, always will be. Homosexuals need to REPENT and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who WILL set them free if they come to Him. There are PLENTY of testimonials to that FACT here on youtube.

  • classicjukebox

    Gay marriage ROBS orphan children of the AMAZING EXPERIENCES that ONLY a MOTHER AND A FATHER can provide them. THE CHILDREN ARE THE VICTIMS! How would YOU like to LOSE those blessings in your ONE AND ONLY LIFETIME?Imagine a young boy wanting his dad to show him how to play baseball, basketball, or football? But he looks, and sees TWO WOMEN as his parents.THIS IS EXTREME SELIFISHNESS ON THE PART OF HOMOSEXUALS