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  • pedalpowered1

    What the mainstream media isn't reporting is that she had ties with Islamic Groups before hand.. The reason that US media is not saying this is because she is a White Female.

  • zamstudy

    Another proof that ISIS is run by "Israel". Let's piss off Americans … behead them, rape them … so that they continue to invest billions in armed conflicts around the world … and we will sell our weapons to both sides. Fact check … Israeli weapons industry is doing a booming business right now. It is one of the most flourishing industry in Israel right now.

  • Ralph Adamo

    Kayla Mueller worked for the International Solidarity Movement, which is a gateway organization to Islamic terrorism. Mueller was a dupe and a dope for falling in love with Islamoterrorism. So she paid the price. She got what she wanted in the end. To live and die with her Islamofascist buddies. Mueller's parents are just as bad. Even after the Islamoterrorists raped and murdered their daughter, they give hugs and kisses to Hamas representatives. Amazing. No sympathy for those dopes and dupes.