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  • rockwjz

    Nothing but love for Pujols and Trout after that little bitch Ventura ran his mouth. I'm an A's fan and I dislike the Angels, but nothing but love for Pujols and Trout.

  • Pandaoniman

    I'd say that they need to just dump both teams a loss if they clear benches during a game. Baseball used to be a gentlemanly sport (with collisions at home).

  • Evan Rousselle

    Royals may have a good record but they're acting like a bunch of classless punks this year. Starting fights for no reason.That's called being a "fucking asshole". And it's just because they got hot at the right time last year. And hearing the argument "Oh Ventura is just really passionate and you might not like the way he plays the game but he does whatever he needs to win" is a bunch of bullshit. Ventura and Herrera are cowardly too because they know that since they're in the American League they won't get hit by the other team's pitcher.

  • KoalaBoii

    everyone getting on venturas case, trash talk is part of the game. its the overreaction of the dugout and bp that is getting out of control and getting in the way of the game. unless there is punches thrown or shoulders lowered, the dugout and bp should just stick to the bench for the sake of the game.

  • mj23allday247

    Haha, Royals be fighting everyone. Stupid ass team. Trout vs Ventura, Pujols vs Ventura, God, either one of them could pick him up and snap that twerp over their knee like a bat.

  • Andy Olsen

    Ventura better watch his back. He has now pissed off 3 clubs and only 1 month in. Only one to do this was John Rocker. And he argued with the fans as well.

  • drew rice

    I like how in the video they say that Pujols isn't credited with an RBI but they title it saying he did lol