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  • Spiffy Turtle

    She'll be right back in her cell by the weekend. Her lawyers are from the Liberty Institute, and they wanna raise big cash $$$ from her incarceration in jail. They didn't want her released. They make more $$$ with her in there. And so will she in the long run. She'll go on speaking tours for them, and write a book, and yada, yada, yada. Neo-Xtian asshats like the Liberty Institute tried to stop Same Sex Marriage for decades and they lost in the SCOTUS. So they know they are done, this is about raising lots of $$$

  • Jedidiah Ting

    I was playing a game and I just managed to release my teddy bear from her box before I saw this news report. I just said 'yeah! Kim Davis is released from her box!' Then when I saw the news, it's like wow! God is real, He heard the cries of His people! Hear this, whoever wants to try and test God again, you shall hear His thunders form heaven.

  • vaprex

    What a fantastic view!! Kim Davis, flanked by the wonderful politician, multiple attempt presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, her legal representation, and … hmm.. well, I'm not sure who the gentlemen in the overalls is, but I'm pretty certain he is a god fearing Christian who knows the definition of biblical marriage. Now that Kim is FREE (well, sorta.. err… not actually, but, she's not in jail anyway) – that oughta show those evil, libtard, non-patriotic, un-american, anti-baby breeding HOMO-sexual perverts where they can stick their dirty penis'! ..And for the lesbians, well, even if they do breed and have a family, they shouldn't, because, you know: 1-man one woman – just like the Bible says…. sorta…(actually no, it doesn't.)

    In any case: * The South WILL RISE AGAIN! * Long live Kentucky Christians!! Yeaaa!!! Heehaw!! and Yeehaw!! Don't give us no dang-nabbit facts about how children raised by the homos statistically are at least equivalently if not better adjusted both emotionally and educationally!! (Not to mention, these days the "Traditional Family' often means either the mom or dad is a step-mom or step-dad, that is, if the second parent is even present! ) So, "God Forbid" that a couple of well intending men, or a couple of well intending women, who are 100% committed to having and raising a child, who spend countless hours getting adoption approval, so that they can pour their heart and soul and lives into raising a child as their own want to get married. God Forbid. And therein lies the mentally retarded thought process of Kim Davis and her fundamentalist ilk . Conversely, "God Loves it" when a 15 year old girl who wants to be a 'Baby Momma' gets pregnant by a her meth-addicted high-school dropout boyfriend. The same Kentucky legislature that wants to ensure the child not be raised by a gay couple, is also the same legislature that somehow is still convinced suggesting abstinence works with post-pubescent teens, and wants to discourage sex education and teen access to birth control for the very same sex-charged 15 year old teen girl – who is convinced that having a baby now – right now – makes her otherwise poverty stricken and depressing life meaningful – despite a complete lack of her family stability, financial stability, and emotional support structure. Yet, a gay couple with a solid plan, and with financial, emotional, family support should for some (religious) reason be denied the right to marry and raise a family. (*Note, I realize that "gay marriage" is the primary topic, but the 'most logical' objections to gay marriage all seem to revolve around gay household family capabilities to raise a child. I.e., The purpose of marriage is directly tied to raising a family, per the thinking of religious fundamentalists like Kim Davis.

    ..But, hey, as long as people can hold up their bible and say that they are righteous, and doing "God's work", and that Jesus stands with them, that "God is with us" (which is what was emblazened on the Nazi / SS trooper belt buckle: 'Gott mit uns' – or, translated from German, "God is with us") – I'm sure everything will be fine. Forget about the whole "Love thine neighbor" – or even "love thine enemy". Or turn the other cheek. When it comes to Big Government, lets make sure we fight against big government as much as possible – except when it comes to what goes on in your most private of moments in your bedroom, or your personal family life and who you pledge your love to for the rest of your life… In that case, we want Big Govt to jam Christian Fundamenatlist Doctrine down your throat, sharia law style, baby!! Of course, it's not sharia law, it's just the Christian equivalent, but Fundamentalists – whether Muslim or Christian – are all the same. Scary.

  • Rodney Walker

    Joe is her 4th husband,she has been married 4 times!!!!!!! FOUR TIMES!!!!! SHE DIVORCE 3 OTHER HUSBANDS!!!!! SHE PROMISE GOD TO HONOR HER 1ST HUSBAND AND THE 2ND HUSBAND AND THE 3RD HUSBAND,,She sounds like a liar to me!!!!!!!!!!She ie

  • Jedidiah Ting

    As for the comments about her being married 4 times, Jesus forgave the samaritan woman at the well who was also 'married' many times. Jesus' offer of salvation is for all sinners. Jesus asked is there anyone without sins , u may throw the first stone. Do u dare say u do not have sins?

  • Savecityofheroes Savecityofheroes

    I am against same gay righs movement and gay marriage What kind of justice system they got going there?

  • HuckFinn

    Kim is loyal to the idea of sexual ecstasy if it includes multiple penises of multiple men in multiple marriages…..and beyond.