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  • jaggirl 2003

    If you all are Marc Maron fan, you should download the free app. For a couple of $$ you can have access to over 600 interviews. Plus the last 50 are free to listen to either way. There are 2 new ones each week..:)

  • HatRemovalService

    I loved Clerks back in the day! At a certain point Kevin Smith became a fucking douchey blowhard. His O and A appearances are boring as hell! Comic book show is horse shit! Podcast is horrid! Lose the shitty hockey sweater! Stop smoking so much dope! Quit believing that you're own bullshit! I loved when Adam Carolla handed his ass to him.

  • Francis Kelly

    If you're an artist, of any kind, and you're personally proud of your work, you have no apologies to make to anyone. Any attempt to understand one's haters or satiate them will, in that context, amount to tilting at the same windmill as Dan Rather when he tried to make sense of the "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" mantra that his assailants kept repeating as they mugged him in the 80's. It's all nonsense in the first place, so just ignore it. (and yes, I like R.E.M. too)

  • Scott Stevenson

    Its futile Marc to try and do your typical overtalking and interrupting with Kevin Smith. He is going to have none of it :)